Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The analysis of a body language expert: “Benzema fears for its future” – Le Parisien

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Sylvie De Macedo | December 2 2015, 9:32 p.m. | Update: December 2 2015, 10:43 p.m.

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“His lower lip goes in his mouth, he released a bit his tongue, or he makes a little moue doubtful at this passage. In short, he is afraid, “Stephen deciphers Bunard, body language expert
Screenshot TF1

In the wake of the intervention of Karim Benzema on TF1, we asked Stephen Bunard, lecturer and expert in body language to decipher the attitudes of the French international, indicted in the affair of blackmail exercised over sex tape Mathieu Valbuena.

” We read many things in this interview. That alone is already interesting. This shows that unlike a politician for example, it is not broken in this kind of exercise. “The expert, author of the book” Their actions say out loud what they think whispered “draws three conclusions from this meeting for a period of 7 minutes.

1- He fears for his future

” First He fears for his future. The machine is packed and it is clear his fear of the consequences. When he says, “I hope it will end well,” it swings to the right and head forward. It is an attitude that one takes when one is in a fearful state. Other signs show it in stride: his lower lip goes in his mouth, he released a bit his tongue, or he pouted a little dubious at this passage. In short, he is afraid. “

2- From sincerity when he speaks of Valbuena

” When evokes Valbuena and the case, rather I see sincerity. For example, when he talks about the telephone conversation with his friend, the fact that they laughed, screwed on the left side of his face, Benzema rolls up his nose slightly. It is a mark of disgust with himself, as if making amends and he was aware that he was too far in this exchange with his friend. “

3- It is proved by this indictment

“Three times at least, he moved much in his chair, developed out of the camera frame. Especially when he says “it makes me mad,” or when he speaks of his indictment or his entourage. His body control is very low. It is not in self-control. But often, someone would have something to be ashamed of, rather try to control the camera. There, there is no vigilance on his part. This is proof that it is tested by this indictment “

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Miscellaneous Facts

The analysis of an expert on body language, “Benzema fears for its future”

In the wake of the intervention of Karim Benzema on TF1, we asked Stephen Bunard, speaker and body language expert to decrypt attitudes of the French international, indicted in the case to blackmail …

2015-12-02 9:32:00 p.m.

News items News, Spot News, National, 2015 analysis, an expert, language, physical, benzema


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