Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Rolland Courbis resigns from Montpellier – The É

Rolland Courbis decided to leave Liverpool after meeting Laurent Nicollin on Wednesday announced the MHSC. “ The presidents Louis and Laurent Nicollin received today the resignation of Rolland Courbis. They take note and announce Sunday, December 27th successor to the post of coach MHSC , “says Herault club.

I do not feel attacked, I stop , the coach dropped to Midi Libre . You should know that I almost did not resume the season in August because I knew it was all over more complicated. And after the defeat against Monaco (2-3), and the nightmare scenario that goes with last September, thanks to Laurent Nicollin that I continued and that I am not party.

Having long been relegation, Montpellier is now 15th in Ligue 1, three points behind 18th, Guingamp. Laurent Nicollin said Wednesday before meeting Courbis’ He told me he needed to rest and reflection, I can understand that it is worn and tired by this season, I expect make a new assessment normally with him today. I am preparing to resume a Sunday with my staff, my coach and my players. We anticipate we will adapt and Sunday if … “Load now to Laurent Nicollin héraultais and other leaders to adapt.


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