Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The League Cup on Canal + and France Télévisions – Le Figaro

The Professional Football League and the Canal + Group, have announced Wednesday morning.

The League Cup will be broadcast during the next four seasons, from 2016-2020, on Canal Plus encrypted and France in light Televisions, announced the Professional Football League (LFP) Wednesday on its website.

The competition was previously aired on France Télévisions. “The entire League Cup will be broadcast on the airwaves of the Canal + group and the best poster of each round from the final 16th will be broadcast unencrypted on France 2 or France 3,” detailed the LFP said in a statement .

Meanwhile, the encrypted string that says “The best moments of the competition will also be highlighted in magazines,” stressing that it is a “good news”.

“The tandem formed by Canal + on one side and France Télévisions on the other, our two historic partners, has made an offer of very high quality with in the clear and encrypted, and a level financial record which demonstrates again the importance of this competition, “responded the president of the Professional Football League, Frederic Thiriez.

The League Cup has existed since 1994 and is dominated by the winners PSG, double title holder and race winner already 5 times during the first year in 1994/95, in 97/98, 2007/08, 2013/14 and 2014/15.


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