Tuesday, September 29, 2015

World Cup rugby. Grosso: “I have not come to that skits” – Le Parisien

From our special correspondent in Croydon (United kingdom) David Opoczynski | 29 Sept. 2015, 3:20 p.m. | Update: 29 Sept. 2015, 3:27 p.m.

“But you want to kill me!” In a burst of laughter, Remy Grosso declined the invitation made by the journalist-TV launching into an imitation of Philippe Saint-André he has, it seems, the secret. It was definitely much talk of imitation, on Tuesday, on the sidelines of the announcement of his first start in Blue Thursday against Canada. Castres winger (26 years) has indeed seen its skit hazing – an imitation of his former partner Anthony Lyons Guilamon – retoqué by the ancients as Nicolas Mas.

It will start again. But that will be after the incredible moment he is preparing for Thursday, he who arrived there nine days, to overcome the package injured Yoann Huget.

 How do you feel after the announcement of this first selection?

A lot of emotions. It’s a childhood dream. For a week, it’s a little emotional lift. Amazingly, I did put myself not necessarily a lot of pressure. By Thursday, she will mount by itself. But I do not count too take my head with the emotional side of this first selection in the World Cup or I’ll remain a spectator of the event.

 Philippe Saint-André think you can be beautiful story of this World Cup …

For me it is sure that she is beautiful. I hope it will also for the group. Since my arrival in any case I open wide the eyes and ears to not lose a beat. I realized the game project and ambitions of the group. I’m over the moon but I’m also with a view to wake up and to go down.

 Do you have a way to win?

I focus on that first game against Canada. It gives me a chance. I will give the maximum. I do not think the meeting after.

 You will you have to start your hazing it seems …

I do not know yet … At the same time, I have not come to that skits! (laughs)

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