Friday, September 25, 2015

FIFA: Switzerland opened a criminal case against Sepp Blatter, Platini heard – Le Parisien

25 Sept. 2015, 4:29 p.m. | Update: 25 Sept. 2015, 7:17 p.m.

Sepp Blatter’s office was also searched and the data was entered.

“The Public Ministry of the Confederation (MPC) has opened a criminal case against the President of the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) for suspicion of mismanagement and embezzlement alternative” announced the prosecutor’s office in a statement. The announcement came shortly after FIFA canceled at the last press conference of Sepp Blatter. The Swiss was expected to explain the suspicion against its general secretary Jerome Valcke dismissed last week for allegedly press benefited from the resale of tickets on the black market.

Suspicion of “unfair payment” for Michel Platini

“The MPC suspect Joseph Blatter for signing an unfavorable contract Fifa with the Caribbean Football Union (then chaired by Jack Warner, ed), “said the prosecutor. “On the other hand, there is a suspicion that, in the execution of this contract, Joseph Blatter has also acted against the interests of FIFA, FIFA Marketing & amp respectively; TV SA, in breach of his duties of management. “

There are two weeks, the RSF Swiss TV channel revealed that the outgoing president of the International Federation would have sold to Warner televised Rights Worldwide 2010 and 2014 well below the price usually charged. Former vice president of FIFA, Warner is one of the key men in the corruption scandal. Accused of having received millions of dollars in bribes and arrested in Trinidad and Tobago, it will be fixed on 2 December on his extradition requested by the United States.

Denying any “mismanagement” from Sepp Blatter, the lawyer Richard Cullen indicated that Switzerland was cooperating with justice. “We are confident that when the Swiss authorities will be able to check the documents and evidence, they will see that the contract was prepared in the rules by Fifa’s staff,” he added in a statement.

It is also criticized Blatter an “unfair payment” of two million Swiss francs (about 1.8 million) in favor of Michel Platini “for work performed between January 1999 and June 2002″ during which the French was the special advisor to Blatter. “This payment was executed in February 2011,” said the prosecutor. Favorite so far to succeed Blatter, the UEFA President has been heard as a “person required to provide information” on Friday by justice. According to a Swiss judicial source quoted by Reuters, Platini has provided evidence to investigators.

The 2022 World Cup will take place in Qatar

It’s confirmed. The World Cup will be held in Qatar from 21 November to 18 December 2022, FIFA said Friday after an executive committee.

The world football body had already announced on March 19 that the final would be held on December 18, day of the national holiday in this Gulf emirate, at the end of a tournament to last 28 days. With opening match, therefore, Nov. 21.

The organization had decided to move this World Cup in winter due to very high temperatures in summer in Qatar, after months of controversy, especially with the European leagues. The designation of Qatar to host the World Cup in 2022 December 2, 2010 continues to fuel the controversy over alleged corruption background

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