Sunday, September 20, 2015

Ligue 1: Marseille and Lyon back-to-back in a toxic Olympico – Le Parisien

21 Sept. 2015, 0:05 | Update: 21 Sept. 2015, 0:05

Started booed against Mathieu Valbuena, continued under a disputed arbitration, the OM-OL almost did not finish. The referee Ruddy Buquet has sent both teams to the dressing rooms in the 62nd minute after a second session of throwing plastic bottles and paper pellets
Finally the meeting went after each team -. Especially OL – missing the final blow after goals from Alexandre Lacazette (25 sp) and Karim Rekik (68). The incidents could result in closure fora.
Sporting terms now, the former Marseille Valbuena retaliated by bringing whistles a goal and a red card. But his team has stagnated after two disappointing draws, against Lille (0-0) and Gent (1-1).
OM saved his game to rabies but conceded many dangerous situations. After two good results against Bastia (4-1) and Groningen (3-0), the team of Michel remains on a positive series but is still struggling against the top names

-. Penalty generous
Ruddy Buquet decisions have thrown a little oil on the fire. After OM-OL last season where the arbitration had already been questioned, game director was perhaps misguided on several choices.
He awarded a generous penalty in Lyon (25 ) but Karim Rekik could be excluded after 20 minutes for a load – already – on Valbuena. If the red card to Romain Alessandrini is justified by the tackle from behind on Valbuena, the fault of Milan Bisevac Benjamin Mendy on the surface was sharper than Steve Mandanda on Alexandre Lacazette. But Mr. Buquet cautioned for simulation Mendy (61). This was the starting point of interruption
booed all night, Valbuena was decisive. It is he who launches Alexandre Lacazette to the penalty, and it causes, unwillingly, direct exclusion Alessandrini (43). But he missed two of many OL of match points late in the game (90, 90 + 1).
Lacazette also has alternated good and less good. Full of cool, the top scorer last season has turned the penalty, not renewing his failure to Gent on Wednesday in the Champions League. But he missed the full redemption by smashing a ball on the pole 2-0, alone with Mandanda (28).
OM has quickly created a big chance to equalize twice by Michy Batshuayi and Lucas Silva (35)

-. Valbuena neat …
Equalization Rekik came from a headbutt after a corner, the ball passing … Valbuena his line. The end game was played on knockout mode, Lyon having more purpose but Michy Batshuayi balls in tempered so (80) and Georges-Nkoudou Kevin had missed a first equalizer ball (66 ).
Sergi Darder, who played his first game for Lyon, also devoured a ball against a 2-0 (57). In order to complete the boos, another former Marseille, Jérémy Morel, came into the game in the 18th minute to replace Henri Bedimo, hit. If
Valbuena was whistled all night, the Marseille defense also looked after the international environment (50 selections). Rekik the cut on a tackle along the sideline, triggering the malicious joy of the stadium. The Dutchman was warned for this load (21), he could see red. After Rekik and Alessandrini, Abdelaziz Barrada was also tickled (shirt pulling and blow on ankle) just before halftime .
This shock has also allowed presidents to rub again too. Lyonnais Jean-Michel Aulas spoke “exercise lawless football” on Canal Plus channel, Vincent Labrune evoking “gaming facts that led to one or two skids, it’s true.”

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