Thursday, May 28, 2015

Platini on FIFA: ” I’m disappointed, I’m tired, I’m disgusted ” – BBC

The UEFA President Michel Platini said today to be “disappointed, disgusted, disgusted, I’m tired” after revelations of cases of alleged corruption within FIFA.

In the process, he said that during the vote on Friday for the presidency of FIFA, the votes should turn mostly to the Jordanian candidate, Ali Ben Al-Hussein.

“I asked Sepp Blatter to quit FIFA,” said Michel Platini. The current president of the instance replied that he would not leave his post. “To change Fifa, change his presidency,” said the former French number 10

Michel Platini added. “FIFA does not deserve to be treated like that, it is the mother of football is our mother, and our mother does not deserve to be treated like that. “

He then said it would be possible that UEFA is leaving Fifa if re-elected Joseph Blatter

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“Putin accused the United States of wanting to control the FIFA


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