Friday, May 29, 2015

LIVE. French-Racing Stadium (26-10): Parisians fly! – Point

This first dam looks XE8 tr & #; s hot between Stadium fran & # XE7; ais and Racing Metro
This first dam looks very hot between the French and Stadium Racing Metro. © Mounting

The Racing Metro wanted to prolong the suspense . Yet early in the second period, Parisians begin the match as they had begun. Sinzelle flies to the in-goal line, but loses control of the ball at the time of flattening. The referee returns to the previous fault and hollow Steyn again the gap (20-7, 42). If Parisians are struggling, Sexton added a penalty that allows them to always be in the game (20-10, 47th), but Steyn replied quickly (23-10, 51). Better, the South African gets past a penalty 55 meters which hurts Racingmen (26-10, 57th) and 38 meters (29-10, 62). But Roberts allows his men to grow a meager hope in the last quarter of an hour (29-15, 67th)

The composition of the teams. Stade French : Camara – Arias, Waisea, Danty, Sinzelle – (o) Steyn, (m) Dupuy – Lakafia, Parisse (cap), Burban – Flanquart, Pyle – Slimani, Bonfils, H. van der Merwe Racing Metro : Dulin – Imhoff, Chavancy, Dumoulin, Thomas – (o) Sexton, (m) Machenaud – Le Roux, Claassen, Lauret – Lavanini, Charteris – Ducalcon, Szarzewski (cap), Khinchagishvili


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