Saturday, May 30, 2015

Fifa: the president of the French federation voted Blatter – The Point

Some might take it as a goal against his side. Right in corruption scandal to FIFA, the President of the French Football Federation Christmas Graët has indeed voted for the controversial Sepp Blatter in the election of the President of the proceeding Friday. Unlike most European federations, called by the UEFA President Michel Platini to side with Prince Ali of Jordan, between the Swiss finally elected for a fifth term.

Putin also satisfied

The former president of Forward Guingamp justified this choice Team : “I voted for Blatter me between him and Prince Ali. it was the best solution. Ali, if UEFA had not voted for him, would not have much of a voice. I think Fifa, with its new leaders, including very good from UEFA will be beefy. ” The argument that one can judge a little vague, is followed by a second, much more explicit: “Since we got the organization of the Women’s World Cup, in 2019, we work very well with employees Fifa. “

Assuming full vote for Sepp Blatter Christmas Graët added that” Western Europe was unleashed too much, in my opinion, against Blatter. Up ‘proven otherwise, in business we are talking about money was never released boxes of FIFA. ” Note that France is not the only one to rejoice in the result. Russian President Vladimir Putin, whose country will host the 2018 World Cup, was also satisfied with the re-election of Sepp Blatter, greeting in passing his “experience” his “professionalism” and “great authority.”


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