Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Matuidi will not leave Paris – Sports.fr

Blaise Matuidi assured: despite rumors that send him to England, the traffic environment does not intend to leave PSG.

The future of Blaise Matuidi in Paris and nowhere else. This was the message wanted to convey international tricolor in the columns of Paris . While there are rumors of interest from several Premier League heavyweights but also his desire to cross the Channel, the former Saint-Etienne has been very clear about its future.

” I am very well in Paris. I can assure you that I will always be PSG next season. There is no problem about it “, has ensured the middle of the Parisian court, under contract until in 2018 and fourth biggest salary of the club with 9.2 million annual compensation.

And in the meantime to think about next season, there is a current season to end. With numerous deadlines, PSG remain engaged in four competitions. “We found a very high level of play since January and is still playing in four competitions. We arrive in the decisive months when the rocker season. Either the average side or the exceptional side. Let’s make ensure that this is exceptional “, added Matuidi.


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