Monday, March 23, 2015

Bjarne Riis suspended by Tinkov? –

Bjarne Riis was suspended from his managerial duties of the Saxo-Tinkoff team by the owner of the training, Oleg Tinkov.

         The long reign of Bjarne Riis is about to come to an end. According to reports emerged Monday night in the Danish press, the manager of the Saxo-Tinkoff team was suspended from office by her boss and also the owner of the team, Oleg Tinkov. Officially, Riis would be laid off “ indefinitely ” in disappointing reasons since the beginning of the season.

         Bjarne Riis was not present this weekend in Italy of Milano-Sanremo, contrary to what had been announced a few days earlier. However, the information has not been confirmed by Saxo-Tinkoff training.

         Asked by the newspaper BT, which revealed this information, Stefano Feltrin, the Italian sports director of the team, declined to comment. “ Where did you hear that? You should talk to Bjarne Riis or Oleg Tinkov . I can not comment on such rumors ,” he replied.


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