Thursday, March 19, 2015

Clermont: Lhermet disclaims all liability for Lopez –

Philippe Saint-André has thrown a spanner in the Thursday at the announcement of the composition of the XV of France to face England on Saturday. The coach has indeed indicated that Clermont had asked the quiescence of Camille Lopez for a period of four to six weeks. Comments that are bound Jean-Marc Lhermet. “It does not seem an aberration you say that? I am a little surprised by the statements of Philip. This is not reality. The clubs have no power over the selections, ensures the sports director of ASM on RMC. If the France team wants to play a player, the club agrees or not, the player will play. I do not understand his position. The medical staff of Clermont decides nothing on selecting a player from the team of France. The medical staff club does not decide anything. Camille is injured. That’s why he does not play. I do not understand this position. Camille is injured and that’s why he does not care. “

Asked about the nature of the injury in the opener, he explains that a large share of shadow accompanies this. “We had enormous difficulties in accessing medical records Camille Lopez, sorry there. We have received the shots yesterday while since Monday, we try to find out what our player suffers. This is surprising since Monday because we are trying to get information about the health of our player. There is a form of obstruction to give us the photographs taken by the medical staff of the team of France. “

  Written by Editor


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