Sunday, October 12, 2014

Voeckler: “An average season” – BBC Sport

12/10 9:30 p.m. – Cycling

“A winless season, this is the first time since 2003 I have twice had a broken collarbone This year, each time against a car, never in the race. It takes time to recover. The regret, it is the stage in the Tour de Luchon. I thought since the presentation. I won twice in Luchon and I would have loved to win a third time. But I second (behind Australian Michael Rogers). As in Paris-Tours. If these second places were transformed into wins, it would not be a season more than average. But with so … I lacked confidence and strength in the final. I saw the Belgian rolled in the break strong, he supported the relay and he responded when I tested it in the final. Before the sprint, he stayed in the wheel, I could not pass it before , told Thomas Voeckler on Sunday after finishing second behind Belgium’s Jelle Wallays Paris-Tours

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