Friday, October 3, 2014

Football. Ligue 1: Reims head out of the water by beating Bordeaux (1-0) – Le Parisien

<- Hard dé e: 0.034327983856201 sec -> Reims, who remained two heavy defeats, surprised everyone by defeating Bordeaux (1-0) and left the relegation zone Friday opening 9th day of Ligue 1 The Champenois rather unlucky recently took advantage of a goal against his Camp Faubert (32) to win a valuable victory in the context of maintaining and head out of the water after setbacks Metz (3-0) and against Marseille (0-5) last week.
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With this success, the Reims temporarily back to 13th place with 10 points and give air to their coach Jean-Luc Vasseur, who was on the hot seat. The Girondins, who for the first time this season did not score, with 17 points still Dolphins Marseille leader (19) but are now under threat of Lille, Paris SG or Metz.

Bordeaux, who remained two wins and a draw, confirmed the difficulties in the league in Reims, where he was no longer imposed since December 1962 (11 losses, 3 draws). In this game of extreme between the second and the penultimate, the quality of play has not peaked. If the Bordelais have made some nice sequences, the Reims answered by their commitment and unwavering fighting spirit.


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