Monday, February 22, 2016

With Arsenal, Messi finds one of its favorite prey … but also his nemesis, Petr Cech –

         The scent of big matches, Lionel Messi loves it. The Argentine genius, who never ceases to beat the records under the Barcelona jersey, found the C1 against Arsenal on Tuesday (20.45). A special match for him who particularly appreciate the team of Arsene Wenger. In the competition is the team against which he was most marked with 6 goals, behind AC Milan (8 goals) and Leverkusen (7 goals).

2011 2010 The memory and

         Since the arrival of Messi on European land, this is the third time the two teams meet in C1. In addition to the 2006 final, the two teams met for two consecutive years, in 2010 and 2011. Each time, the Argentinian made his law. In 2010, Argentina went there of his quad at the Camp Nou (4-1) to allow Catalans to get out of a quarter final trap. A year later, it’s doubled in the eighth-final which marked the spirits, thanks to a shot of the sombrero on Manuel Almunia.

Leo Messi and Almunia in 2011 – Imago

         In four games, so six goals for Argentina. The Argentine player is decisive all 59 minutes against the London club. Note, however, that he has never scored in the grounds of Arsenal. And this is not the current keeper of Gunners who may fix things.

Cech, the survivor

         If Lionel Messi martyred many porters, Petr Cech is not one of them. So far, Lionel Messi played against Czech goalkeeper eight times when it evolved in the jersey of Chelsea. Never to break.

         Moreover, the doorman of Arsenal is fun in the columns of the Mirror in December. “ I did not know for a long time, but the last time we played against them, someone found out, then he missed a penalty and we managed to get to the final and win . Champions League [in 2012, ed] It’s great, not many people can say they have played eight matches ( Editor’s note: actually six matches since 2005, the Argentine had not played ) or as many minutes against Messi and has not found a way to score “, he explained.

         So an unexpected duel comes interfere in a game a priori unbalanced. Faced with a raging MSN (91 goals in all competitions against 59 for the whole team Arsenal), the Gunners and their guardians should avoid taking water. History not come out for the sixth consecutive year in 8th finals. No small matter.


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