Friday, February 19, 2016

Mercato – OM: When Michel mentions the sale of the club record … – Le 10 Sport

Olympique de Marseille is on sale for several months but no buyer would still be presented Michel referred to the sale of the club …

Margarita Louis-Dreyfus took the reins of the Olympique de Marseille since the death of her husband and former majority shareholder, Robert Louis-Dreyfus . Since then, the owner of the Marseille would always asked to sell or not to sell the club. But it announced a few days ago she had no intention to sell it. the OM coach Michel spoke on this subject.

“the players do not pay attention to that,”

While in press conference before the reception of St. Stephen, Michel discussed the sale of the Marseille “the shareholder said few days ago it was not seeking a buyer. Players do not pay attention to that, “. Indeed, Margarita Louis-Dreyfus issued a statement a few days ago in which it announced that it had no desire to sell the club.

“It could sell at least € 50m”

“There is not a valid folder on the MLD Office. There are also debts to the OM, it could sell at least € 50m to which it will add € 150M. Foreign solution, if it existed, we would know. This merchant banking history on the spot that’s wrong. I wonder if there are not things that will be surprising. The transfer market is the new passion Labrune. If getting a large laundry each year, this is not a sports policy “, said Daniel Riolo about the sale of the OM on the waves of RMC .


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