Sunday, February 21, 2016

Adriani, on behalf of the Vastine siblings –

For his brother Alexis tragically died in a helicopter crash last year, and his sister as Celie, Adriani Vastine climbed back into the ring to win the league title amateur of France in the under 75 kg on Friday in Paris. A vibrant and moving tribute.

The Winter Circus hosted a moment of intense emotion on Friday. Adriani Vastine, 31, has won a seventh championship of amateur France, in the under 75 kg – a highly symbolic gesture in view of the double tragedy that struck the family Vastine it a year ago. March 9, Alexis, the prodigy Olympic medalist in Beijing, was death at age 28 as part of a game, Dropped, suffered a terrible helicopter crash in Argentina with Camille Muffat and Florence Arthaud especially. Two months earlier, Celia, 21, was killed in a road accident …

I thought of my brother and sister, telling me that I should not let go, despite the pain in his hand. Today I am the happiest of men, especially after the difficult times that we lived , reacting to hot Adriani, 3-0 winner Bengora Bamba . I gave my all to win this belt for my brother, my sister and also my father. I thought only of them, but that they already know “soufflait- he relayed on RTL radio.

Alain Vastine, himself a former boxer, did not hide his immense pride and deep emotion, afterwards, in the ring. “J e dedicate this title to my son and my daughter ,” he cried, trembling, microphone in hand. “ For me that title is a world or Olympic title. Here it goes, but there are days when I am in the room with my son in the picture … I can tell you I laugh not every day, I do not forget. “the Vastine are strong, have Vastine resource. Adriani, and is now turning to Rio, who aspires to be the next tricolor selection to take part in qualifying events for the 2016 Games.


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