supporters of Bastia in a match against Toulouse on 31 August 2013 – PASCAL POCHARD CASABIANCA / AFP

AM with AFP

A high-risk event, the call of the main group of supporters of SC Bastia, will take place Saturday afternoon in Bastia, in support of a young bear seriously injured a week ago in clashes with police in Reims.

on Friday night, the nationalist president of the executive of the territorial Community of Corsica, Gilles Simeoni, has warned against “known risks of slippages and clashes” at the event organized by the leading association of supporters of the football club, Bastia 1905. “We must defuse the confrontational logic is a trap,” said continued Mr. Simeoni, wishing the event to which he will not participate “takes place in peace and dignity.”

Since the incidents of February 13 in Reims, whose circumstances remain unclear and have motivated the opening of judicial information and referral to the General Inspectorate of the national Police, the tension has not subsided in Corsica, where sometimes violent incidents multiplied, causing no casualties, however.

the procession of the event is to start at 2:30 p.m. at the courthouse to get to Haute-Corse prefecture by Paoli boulevard, the main thoroughfare in the center of Bastia. Hundreds of riot police and gendarmes will be deployed and the safety device will be reinforced by police from Marseille and Nice.

“We still insist once our appeasement (…). Let not our enemies any opportunity to smear us, “said Facebook members Bastia 1905, the main association of supporters of Sporting Club de Bastia, which calls for investigation” totally impartial “to” aggression “of Maxime Beux, bear wounded November 13 in Reims, lifting the prosecution of other supporters of the club arrested in Champagne and the resignation of the interior minister and prosecutor of Reims.

the association also announced at the event the presence of Nantes –prévu supporters Saturday, the Bastia-Nantes match was postponed to 9 mars–, Italian and Serbian.
