Thursday, February 18, 2016

9:18 Presentation Paris 2024: the speech of Tony Estanguet –

Omnisports – OJ 2024
                          Thursday, February 18, 2016 – 9:18

Paris 2024 presented its program for the Olympics in front of 2,000 spectators Wednesday at the Philharmonie. The slogan chosen for the campaign: “The strength of a dream.” Here is the full speech of Tony Estanguet, co-chairman of the bid committee with Bernard Lapasset.

                       9:18 Pr & # xe9; presentation Paris 2024: the speech of Tony Estanguet


I am very happy to be here, even very moved.

For some weeks I chair the bid committee with Bernard Lapasset I fully measure the weight of our responsibility to bring the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris in France … ?? in 2024.

For the Games have something unique, something that goes far beyond sport. They have a form of magnetism; they fascinate, they attract, they are dreaming, they vibrate!

For me, Olympism has always been both obvious and a mystery ?? and this is the chemistry between the obvious and the mystery that arises every four years the magic of the Games.

This magic, everyone has felt ?? the viewer turns his television sportsman who finds himself alone with himself after years of preparation ?? the child who discovers an unknown sport in retiree who vibrates to the discipline he has always loved ?? one who lives far away from sports to one who lives the sport.

This magic, as you, I felt it, and I wanted to share with you three times at once very personal and universal.

I’m 14 and I’m in Barcelona with my family to attend my first Games. Seeing swim Popov, seeing run Marie-Jo, I am fascinated by the combination of grace, strength, relaxation and concentration, which emerges from their every move ?? I feel that excellence must work together and how it seems natural. And this excellence is, without my even noticing me, a dream and a horizon.

In Barcelona, ​​I also discovered the atmosphere of the Games. In the streets, in stadiums, it’s the Olympic spirit that I breathe ?? with both a strong sense of belonging to their country and a sense of close proximity with nations around the world. This atmosphere, I promise to taste it again and again and also becomes a dream and a horizon.

I am 22 and I am in the Olympic Stadium in Sydney, we are 15 September 2000 during the opening ceremony. I have just qualified for my first Olympics and I arrived in Australia with full medal dreams head. I thought I prepared myself, and when I go into this stage, I hit hard by the power of Olympism.

Olympism, for me it was the quest for medals, but that night, I realize that this word means much more.

That night, I understand that Olympism is the extraordinary support of a whole people gathered behind its athletes as Cathy Freeman lights the Olympic flame .

That night, I understand that Olympism is the fervor and the incredible energy of an entire stadium to celebrate the delegations from over 200 countries marching side by side, united, despite the tensions, conflicts between some, despite differences. That night, I understand that the Games are universal.

That night, I understand that Olympism is harmony, solidarity and respect that exist between athletes of all countries, all cultures, all religions. A unique place in the world where the word fraternity makes sense.

This extraordinary atmosphere acts as a trigger in me. It gives me the strength and the extra soul to become, three days later, Olympic champion.

I am 34 years old and I am in the London Olympic pool of 30 seconds from the start of the final. I know that I prepared as ever and at the same time, I feel how everything is open. I know I’m alone and at the same time, I feel supported. I know this is real and yet I feel I am living a dream ?? my dream that has be stronger than doubt, stronger than weariness, stronger than failure, that of Beijing, where overconfidence had taken over humility and balance needed to success. This dream, I promise never to abandon me ?? even after the race, even after the Games, even after my career.

The dream is a great engine, an inexhaustible source of energy. The dream has extraordinary strength.

It is this strength that has accompanied me a childhood dream, that of making as large as my father and my brothers in a dream medal and excellence. And it is this force which today has transformed my dream to dream of Olympic medal. A new dream in my eyes, has a special meaning because it is a shared dream, a collective dream that we will nurture and grow together.

This new dream is of course that of Paris in 2024.

Paris2024, we have ambitions, we have a vision.

The ambition celebrate unique Games, but most of the games for all!

Celebrate the Games in Paris, is to give a chance to every French and especially our youth, the 2024 generation, living their own moments of magic, vibrate, being invaded by power positive ?? of being overwhelmed by emotions and passion.

Imagine the great champions excel at the foot of the Eiffel Tower, in front of the Invalides, the Grand Palais, Versailles, and inspire us all.

Imagine out of Olympism stages to offer all on the banks of the Seine, in front of the most beautiful Parisian monuments and allow everyone to learn the sport, to share with the greatest champions and live events live. Imagine the sport c ?? heart of the city.

In Paris, Olympism will go to the meeting of all the French and go to meet the world.

Paris2024, we also carry the ambition to leave a legacy of lasting change people’s lives.

First, seeing Paris big.

Paris 2024, it is also the desire to share the power of our dreams with the Seine-Saint Denis, the youngest department and cosmopolitan France.

This is what has driven us when choosing our Olympic and Paralympic Village and some competition sites. Paris 2024, it is a project to change an area just waiting to unleash its talent and energy.

Bringing Paris and its suburbs, meet Paris and Marseille, France unite behind the whole project common, collective ambition, right Paris2024.

Collect what France has better and get moving ?? together – that’s Paris2024

But lasting change people’s lives, that’s even further, it is to Olympism, sport and its values, c ?? ur. of the company, the c ?? ur everyday of the French, and even the world.

Why? Because the values ​​of Olympism are the values ​​of life: it’s both believe in his wildest dreams, everything possible to achieve it ??, fail, get up, get up and fail again and always move forward with humility and respect, remaining faithful to what one is.

These values ​​are also an invitation to openness, sharing and solidarity. These are all values ​​that we want to convey to our youth.

The sport is a chance. He has power, he loves life. It brings benefits to our health, values ​​inspire and unite society. Yes sport is a real opportunity. With Paris2024 we seize the full.

Bringing Olympic values ​​in school programs, allowing each to access the French sport to sport in the city, develop sports health, commitment citizen, all these goals will guide our bid.

Paris2024 warranty is Olympism daily, Olympism everywhere, Olympism for all.

As you can see, Paris 2024 is an ambitious dream a little even crazy.

the percussionists start playing softly

But the strength of a dream is to transcend, to mobilize the best of yourself to accomplish things extraordinary.

The strength of a dream is to believe in what we do but also what we are.

The strength of our dream is that we all dream together.

Together, we will fight the measure, set the pace and above all never to lose,

Together we will compose a harmony that will bring us together, and we will look like.

The drums are increasingly hear ?? c ?? as a beating heart.

Paris 2024 is a unique opportunity to beat the c ?? urs of France and the world ?? to energize, to feel the excitement.

We will engage with the body, with the mind, with the c ?? ur to challenge ourselves and offer the best of Paris the best of France.

We’ll dare! We will not be afraid to surprise, to be bold and creative to organize in Paris, where Pierre de Coubertin envisioned a world united by sport, the Games that will mark history.

We will build on the immense potential of sport to mobilize, innovate, build, give rise to dreams and help achieve.

Together, we can be 67 million to up on the 1st step of the podium and to taste Olympic gold.

the rhythm of drums accelerates


We will be partners ?? those who reach out and grow to become better. We will
fans ?? those that the magic of the Games tick.
?? We are athletes who perform the greatest exploits.

We will be youth ?? one that will grow with us. We will
energy ?? one that will make the difference. We will be a force
?? one that will save us!

We will all this and much more, we are the dream.

Let us be confident that our dream is our strength. And our strength is our dream.


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