Monday, February 22, 2016

Aurier case: after the punishment, forgiveness? – BBC Sport

Received Monday morning by the management of PSG, a little over a week after the release of a video in which he insults many of his teammates and his coach, Laurent Blanc, Serge Aurier could according to various sources, bring back the red and blue jersey in the weeks, months to come.

Serge Aurier he has a future to Paris Saint-Germain? A question that would have seemed silly it two weeks ago, as the Ivorian international side impresses from the start of the season. Disappointing in his first year in Paris, he has indeed emerged as an undisputed holder in Laurent Blanc’s team, ahead of its direct competitors, Gregory van der Wiel and Marquinhos. Except it is not on the pitch but outside that the person has sinned, holding insulting to the place of some of his teammates and his coach, Laurent Blanc, in a video dated 13 February. Ostracized professional group since the disclosure of the images, Aurier was understood by management on Monday at the headquarters of PSG. In this case, the Deputy CEO Jean-Claude Blanc and the assistant team manager Olivier Letang, received the former Toulouse. An interview which took place within the legal framework, as might be the case for any other employee guilty of this kind of gap.

No dismissal for

Obviously, Aurier is anything but a lambda employee. Its market value (15 or 20 million?) Makes a separate worker and as many sources suggest the last few days, it probably will not be dismissed by the Paris-SG. The African champion, who has already made the media tour to apologize, however, does not escape to a heavy penalty. Large fine extension of the shelving, crossing the reserve team? Everything is possible. Even a transfer end of the season.

But the trend is rather … to reinstatement. Not right now, that’s obvious. Laurent Blanc, called a “ fieet ” by Aurier in the video relayed on social network Periscope , had already put water in his wine about it, last Friday in press conference. And then he whispered in the days preceding the Cevennes coach, appeared very moved by these insults and other Inappropriate could let the next player until the end of the season. Same story on the side of Blaise Matuidi, interviewed Saturday after victory over PSG Reims (4-1): “ Serge is my friend and is a friend to everyone in the locker room. He is well liked by everyone. He made a mistake. But as they say: to err is human

The position of Nasser Al-Khelaifi has evolved

If you believe RMC <. /> em>, the president Nasser Al-Khelaifi would also softened its position. “ Past the wrath of the early days, the Qatari leader today would agree to see Aurier, a boy he likes, gradually reintegrate the professional group ” explain our colleagues on their website . “ PSG still questions the way forward. Should he give the Ivorian exemplary and severe remedy, as some advocated at the beginning of the case, in order to assert the power of the institution on men? Or, despite a heavy punishment to which Aurier will not escape, should he prove able to rehabilitate one of its “lost children” as other voices? ‘, is does one request in the daily newspaper the Team dated Monday, confirming the idea that reinstatement is not possible.

must the future of Serge Aurier, the player and man, is not compromised

FIFPro Africa

note that the Ivorian Federation has publicly supported Serge Aurier: “ While understanding the precautionary measures already taken place with the player, the IFF as she calls for leniency club for this talented young player of 23 years, who deserves all supervision to avoid future such slippages . ” The Africa Division of FIFPro, the international players’ union, did the same on Monday, through a press release: “ It is necessary, while preserving the image of the club, scoring the authority of its leaders and its coach (…) that the future of Serge Aurier, the player and man, is not compromised just because he forgot, during two or three minutes, he had duties to his employer to his coach, to all of his teammates

one thing is certain. Serge Aurier, linked to PSG until 2019 and recruited for a just over 15 million euros in Toulouse in 2014, will not know the penalty that it will bail immediately after his appointment the day. He will have to wait at least 24 hours or … 30 days depending on the nature of the punishment.


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