Friday, July 10, 2015

The handball player Nikola Karabatic convicted of fraud – The World

The handball player Nikola Karabatic, left, with his attorney, Michael Corbier, leaving the court in Montpellier, June 25

“If he did not play directly, he participated in the game. “ The Criminal Court of Montpellier sentenced on Friday 10 July, the handball player Nikola Karabatic, convicted of swindling a 10 000 euros fine in a case of fake paris. The prosecutor had requested a sentence of three months’ suspended sentence and 30,000 euro fine.

There are “elements” “set” Nikola Karabatic “knew that meant Montpellier lose at half-time” . The “is involved,” because it allowed his partner to build 1,500 euros, “when she does not know the operation of sports paris, it is unthinkable to believe that she took the risk not only to learn about the practical modalities of the game and play with his close companion to it without in any actor “, still insisted the court in its judgment of four- twenty-one pages. Lawyers for the French handball star announced their intention to appeal.

“manifest Abnormality of paris”

No prison was pronounced against the sixteen indicted, including eight players and their families, but all were found guilty, and received fines ranging from EUR 1 500 to 30 000. The brother of Nikola Karabatic Luka, was sentenced to 15 000 euros fine.

“The obvious abnormality of paris incurred by players (…), their synchronization (. ..) are all consistent evidence that does not allow to consider beyond reasonable doubt that defendants have been able to engage in dispute without consulting paris (…) “, noted the court .

On June 22, the magistrate, who had denounced the “Team cheating” had demanded sentences of three months to six months in prison assorted suspended, and . fines ranging from 7,500 euros to 80,000 euros

gain of about 300 000

Read also: Paris rigged handball three-month suspended sentence and 30,000 euro fine against Nikola Karabatic required

The justice suspected former players of Montpellier Agglomeration Handball (MAHB) to have bet or wager made on the defeat of their team during a match Championship against France Cesson-Sevigne, May 12, 2012, and have oriented the result to the detriment of the club Herault “ by modification or alteration of the game .”

The investigation into the alleged fake paris began on 18 May 2012, after the games had alerted French judicial authorities on the amounts paris abnormally high compared to the stakes of the game. In total, the offending paris amounted to almost 100 000 to the rating of 2.9 against and 1 had reported a gain of about 300 000.

Read also Nikola Karabatic denies any involvement in the affair of paris “rigged” handball

The club Montpellier and French games had brought a civil party. MAHB demanded 1.2 million euros for non-pecuniary damage, and the French game had requested – and received – repayment of affected earnings. The National League and the French Handball Federation each requested one symbolic euro.


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