Sunday, July 26, 2015

L’Alpe d’Huez (France) – Tour de France: Pinot wins at Alpe d’Huez, near Froome winner – L’Express

Froome dropped 1 min 20 sec, plus 6 bonus seconds at the runner, the Colombian Nairo Quintana, but saved for 1 min 12 sec the yellow jersey on the eve of the finish in Paris.

Key points of this final panting

In an atmosphere of fire, the Tour reached its climax on the slopes of Alpe d’Huez, the legendary ascent for race that has kept its promises. At all levels, the suspense prevailed on 13.8 kilometers (8.1%). For the stage win between Pinot and Quintana. For the yellow jersey, and even between Froome Quintana.

In the end, the loser was … the best climber of the day, the fastest in the ascent of Alpe d’Huez. Quintana has the fastest time of the climb in 39 min 23 sec. Either the 22 “ stopwatch ” in the history of the Tour, 27 seconds faster than the time achieved in 2013 by the young climber come from Andes.

Froome, long protected by his teammates (Poels, Door) that seemed even more comfortable than he let go of the sharp attack of Quintana 9.5 kilometers from the summit. But he stood firm, although he acknowledged after the arrival of the bronchi having suffered since the second rest day.

I coughed a lot, I have suffered in recent days, I’m glad to finish ,” assured the bearer of the yellow jersey, which s’ also awarded the best climber polka dot jersey.

Froome was able to limit the loss of time on the Colombian, faces an insurmountable task unless failure of his rival. Initially of 110.5 kilometers, the gap between the first two of the Tour was 2 min 38 sec.

Quintana tested Froome on the top of the first climb of the day, the Croix-de-Fer. If he isolated the English of his supporters, he got up then, with his Spanish team-mate Alejandro Valverde to try the double or nothing on the final climb.

The gamble failed. The Colombian began the ascent of Alpe two minutes against the attack group (with Pinot) launched in pursuit of Alexandre Geniez, escaped from the start of Modane. On arrival, he failed 18 seconds to win the stage one Colombian, the legendary Lucho Herrera, was awarded in the resort of Oisans … here 31 years.

The podium took its final twist. The Italian champion Vincenzo Nibali was delayed by a puncture at the bottom of the 21 turns. He stayed away from Valverde, who wanted to cross the line ahead of Froome and assured his third place overall.

At 35, the Spaniard is about access for the first time in his career at the Champs-Elysees podium.

Pinot has he succeeded his Tour ‘

Presented, rightly compared to its potential, as the number one French hope in grand tours, Thibaut Pinot followed a painful journey in this Tour 2015. The protected Yvon Madiot has had the great merit of persevering after the Cross of the first week, the serious fall of his teammate William Bonnet, mechanical glitches or health problems.

Pinot appeared at the foot of the first collar with a handicap of more than 8 minutes overall. Victim of heat, a weather element that does not like, he fell again in the Pyrenees and had to change strategy in choosing to settle on a stage success.

I do not want to have any regrets in Paris “, repeated throughout the last week of the FDJ French climber, who mingled with many breakaways at the risk of seeming draft. Spent nearly successful in Mende (14th stage), where its competition with Romain Bardet, the other great hope of French cycling, appeared in full light, he then accumulated disappointments. Among others, his fall Wednesday in the descent of the Col d’Allos.

His reaction to L’Alpe d’Huez is all the more convincing. “ I finished quite well, I have taken of the body compared to other years is positive for the rest of my career ,” said Pinot, who added his name to the French list of winners at L’Alpe d’Huez (Bernard Hinault in 1986, Pierre Rolland in 2011, Christophe Riblon in 2013).

The mountain ‘orange’, invaded again by the Dutch supporters, is about to turn blue.


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