Thursday, July 23, 2015

Football: between the Federation and the League, the “war” is declared – The World

Le Monde | • Updated | By

A Lens, 10 May 2014.

“I hope they do not commit the irreparable,” , announced the president of the Professional Football League (LFP), Frederic Thiriez , before joining the headquarters of the Federation on Thursday morning. The executive committee of the French Football Federation (FFF) has yet to cancel the decision of the board of the League, on July 9, to reduce from three to two ascents and descents between Ligue 1 and . 2 from the League this season

Read also: Football: the reform of the Ligue 2 triggers the sling clubs

A decision that caused the Anger of the Presidents of L2 clubs image Gervais Martel, president of Lens, and Jacques Rousselot, President of Nancy, fiercely opposed it. L2 was deprived indeed a possibility of joining the elite while keeping its three relegation places in the National. Its representatives had already symbolically boycotted the draw for the first two rounds of the League Cup, July 16, and filed an interlocutory appeal before the State Council.

The LFP wants to capture in summary proceedings the State Council

“declaration of war” , “major crisis” , “break” … Frederic Thiriez had not skimped on threats to intimidate its counterpart of the FFF, Christmas Graët. But the Federation does not flinch.

“The Federation has just taken a great responsibility to create a major conflict with the Professional Football League. It is a decision that I consider illegal and serious for the future of football. Unfortunately, it was taken, I have not been convincing enough. Therefore, I immediately seized the State Council to request a stay of the decision, “ said the president of the LFP after the executive committee to which it was involved as an ex officio member. Frederic Thiriez added that the LFP would enter in “referred the State Council.”

“The LFP must respect those who are not in L1 “

The president of the Federation, Christmas Graët, was also expressed at the conclusion of the Committee, referring to the decision to cancel the FFF Reform League: “The Federation considered that the decision of the League was not good. From now on, the League must implement what was decided by the executive committee. “ M. Graët now advocates the return of calm: ” We sincerely hope that the League again become the home of all professionals. The reform must be made. The League should calm down and should respect those who are not in L1. The unity of football is also respect those who do not share your beliefs. “


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