Monday, July 27, 2015

Relive step by step, the Tour de France (almost) Visions – World

Le Monde | • Updated | By

Chris Froome Sunday on the podium in Paris.

Chris Froome Sunday won the Tour de France. For those who missed it, here is how have happened (almost) 21 steps.

Some speak deceit. Other celebrate the audacity or the tactical genius: while the peloton slowly travels the roads of Hauts-de-Seine and Chris Froome poses for photographers, champagne glass in hand and face after this burial Tour France victorious but particularly painful, Nairo Quintana attack, led by all his teammates, to conquer his twelve minute late.

Panic aboard the Team Sky, Froome bazarde its champagne, which lands in the face Geraint Thomas, who will step after being sprayed with urine, thus restarting the debate on the sincerity of the British team in the episode of “Pissgate.”

The public can thank Quintana: for the first time in a quarter century, he is entitled to a thrilling last stage, a kind against the clock by chase-like team that lasts until the penultimate passage on the line Check. Sky eventually catch up with Movistar, Froome and warns that Quintana will pay him his account “as soon as they set foot on land” , which probably explains the small Colombian finally performs twenty-five Champs Elysees towers instead of the ten planned.

Peter Sagan, who has traveled to the last full lap on the rear wheel, do not even bother to contest the sprint he would have finished second in all ways behind Imperial Démare Arnaud, who announced his retirement in the wake of this victory, at the height of his glory.

Chris Froome, who has taken full head for three weeks, do not lift the arms crossing the line, nor smiled, pulling his last yellow jersey on the podium, but to say a brief Speech: “I want to send a message to people who do not believe in cycling, the cynics, skeptics. I’m sorry they do not believe in miracles, dreams. too bad for them. “ Malaysia on the Champs.

It’s time for Chris Froome and some happy few the pack decompress by going to the planned celebration in the Parisian apartment of Luca Paolini. Jean-René Godart, who managed to sneak into the finish area with a cameraman although he was fired from the Tower by France Télévisions, collared Briton as he stepped to the podium. “So Chris Boardman, what is it like to win the Tour of Spain for the second time? “

More than 341 days prior to the Mont Saint-Michel to the Tour in 2016.

Relive the Tower France (almost) imaginary step by step


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