Friday, July 24, 2015

Why recruit Lassana Diarra is a good idea … –

Because it is free

As we know, this season, OM decided not breaking the bank. Blame it on a bank account that has suffered non-qualification in the Champions League. But big salaries departures (André-Pierre Gignac and Andre Ayew particular) and sales of Dimitri Payet and Giannelli Imbula phocéennes offered to finance a good sanitation. Suddenly, the lights are green. And without going mad, Vincent Labrune had the agreement of Margarita Louis-Dreyfus to make some “shots” without extravagance. Lassana Diarra is. The former Real Madrid player has a distinct advantage for purchase: it costs € 0! Only the salary seemed problematic a few weeks ago when the file appeared stalled. But since then, phocéens leaders decided to make an effort without exploding the salary cap (€ 1.5 million / year) course. To seduce him, Vincent Labrune had to use his communicative talents (his first job) and Marcelo Bielsa’s speech has apparently had its effect there. When you think that Fenerbahçe proposed € 5 million annual Lassana Diarra, one imagines that OM had to put the arguments. We can see a contract “shielded” of various premiums but that it can be will ever know …

Because it is a player of experience

When a 30-year-old, spent by Real Madrid and Chelsea in particular, is interested in your club, you will think twice. Especially when your club is called OM and lacks experienced players. André Ayew, Andre-Pierre Gignac, Jérémy Morel, Rod Fanni, all gone, OM lost its “roaring thirties.” He had to find a man to take over the dressing room and bring his experience to a younger group. Very active medium and versatile player, former Gunner (he played five years at Real Madrid) would make a nice technical touch to the OM midfield. Especially since the person has never experienced Ligue 1 since he left Le Havre to 19 years! And Marcelo Bielsa fond of this kind of player, able to adapt to any system. No doubt that “El Loco” has not had to long to respond favorably to the proposal Vincent Labrune. The midfielder of OM needed such a player from the starting Giannelli Imbula, mountains and wonder who was last season. If the transfer of “Lass” is confirmed, it is a very good news for the club OM. And for Marseille fans who will see a player get to the size of the club. For Diarra, there is a significant asset if it hopes to enter into the eye of a certain Didier Deschamps, who has not evolved at the Blues since 2010. Its reduced visibility in Russia had made him losing the way of selection.

Because OM needed a name

For now, the Marseille fans remained on their hunger. The big names were gone and the “small” arrived on tiptoe. Without offense to Nkoudou, Sarr or Rekik, when the OM supports, expected anything but become players or paris on the future. It obviously wants some buzzwords, something to salivate when the bear will buy the subscription and “bleed” all year to afford it. Lassana Diarra is not a global star as can Angel Di Maria or Zlatan Ibrahimovic – OM not playing in the same category as PSG – but at this stage of the Marseilles Mercato, his name is a breath of oxygen. This does not mean that the old Spaniard will solve all ills Marseille glimpsed during the friendly match against Fenerbahçe in particular, but will have at least the merit to put OM in front of the stage for a few days. And nothing but a media point of view, it’s a good win for Vincent Labrune. It lacks ultimately more than the arrival of some players at the Bielsa sauce (note: Javier Manquillo should not be long now ) and the announcement of the official extension of the latter to bring smiles to Marseille. A first win for Marseille direction.



    It is a good idea, the player’s experience and potential

      79% / 577



    This is a bad idea, he has no ambition to 30 years

      13% / 96



    It’s even a rumor more about OM

      8% / 56


Number of votes: 729

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  Written by Yoann LEAP



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