Monday, July 27, 2015

2015 Tour de France – To go higher, Froome must broaden its horizon –

Withstanding the test of time

            “Here is a yellow jersey that will stand the test of time.” Delivered by Froome himself, the phrase had a small effect in July 2013. Just after his first triumph on the 100th Tour de France. Two years later, the speech still relevant: “I never bafouerai the yellow jersey.”

         Doping suspicions have continued to darken the sky Sky and English in July. Whose fault is it? In the recent past, of course. The weight of history. To these old riders went from banished champions of cycling. Since 1996, a number of final victories have been called into causes. One thinks of those of Lance Armstrong and the gaping hole he left the charts, that of Floyd Landis in 2007. At that ousted Alberto Contador also decommissioned in 2010. Before them, there was Bjarne Riis and Marco Pantani, not paragons of virtue.

         But unlike all those, Froome was never caught by the patrol. It is terribly unfair to cut off his head before he had sinned. While some are openly allow the pillory without any evidence remains amoral. Until proven otherwise, it is not guilty of anything. For Froome, it will keep it that way.

Chris Froome adjusts to yellow – Panoramic

Mark a little history of the Tour

         The first objective of Froome in 2016 will retain his title on the Tour. Lately, they are not to be legion succeeded. Indeed, we must go back to Miguel Indurain in 1994 and 1995.

         At 30, the Englishman already has two wins on the Tour. It is largely on track to approach the legends that are Bernard Hinault, Eddy Merckx, Jacques Anquetil and Miguel Indurain, authors of a fivefold. Especially as Froome just said to want to fight up to 38 years. But do not forget that Nairo Quintana has only 25. The Colombian should still be some time opponent of the preferred leader Sky.

         Concerning the days with the yellow jersey on the back, in Froomey total number reached 30. A two editions and allows it to exceed Fabian Cancellara (29) record. To date, it points in 11th place, just behind Louison Bobet and Ottavio Bottecchia (34). From there, catch them 96 days of Eddy Merckx …

Aim for success in the Giro / Vuelta or

         Since 2008, Chris Froome took part in five Tours de France. In 2013 and 2015, he reported the yellow jersey on the Champs-Elysees and finished on the second place in 2012 behind Bradley Wiggins. it’s good. Very even. Second, it is also his best result in the Vuelta. The Tour of Spain, Froome cherishes. This is the test that revealed in 2011. Yet he has never won (2nd in 2011 and 4th in 2014 and thus in 2012) in three participations.

         Here again, the results are excellent. But if he wants to score a little history of his sport, he will have to fail to win on Spanish roads. The same goes for the Giro where he has tried his luck only twice (36th in 2009, disqualified in 2010 for having hung on a motorcycle in the climb of Mortirolo).

         Froome are probably aware: the current major champions were imposed on three major Tours. Nibali did. Contador did. He is still far away. If it does not make for a profile to the Lance Armstrong and wishes to get closer to legends of the past, he will, for sure, a pleasant change and be successful on arrival. It was long believed that Contador was the only rider able to aim a double, Froome will he launch this challenge? This is certainly the sine qua non condition that can allow it to take an extra dimension.

Becoming Olympic champion

         In the opinion of all the circuit of the 2016 Olympic Games should appeal to climbers. And therefore Froome. The man has not yet decided on a possible trip or not the Rio side. But if the gold was within reach, the English should not be without. In 2012 in London he was content on the bronze against the clock while Bradley Wiggins clinched the first British title in road cycling. Froome’s place in the history of cycling is also measured in terms of what his compatriot has already accomplished.

Tony Martin, Bradley Wiggins and Chris Froome 2012 Olympics – AFP

Feeding a different relationship with the public

         Urine, sputum, insults, the finger, a permanent aggressiveness and sometimes even beaten, as was the case in the Alpe d’Huez. But also ever more numerous doping insinuations. The climate around the yellow jersey has been deteriorating for three weeks. Chris Froome has often been the target of the spectators who have sometimes pushed the limits of stupidity. Some observers have also made their scapegoat. Why him? This offense dirty mouth, Froome hopes to get rid as soon as possible.

         Even if he repeats at every that it is “ not here to win a popularity contest “, the Englishman did not understand this relentlessness. Affable, never responding to provocations and eager to be as transparent as possible, Froome does not explain this rejection. In the future, it will still nourish that another relationship with the public. A versatile public who may have changed their behavior in a few years. perhaps. The time will in any case for him and his team (there would be things to say about the Sky Communication) will help him.

         In his time, the great Eddy Merckx was not unanimous either. In tyrannical winner, the Belgian often put in embarrassment because some organizers left nothing to the other teams. Froome The problem is obviously not comparable. To be respected by the public remains his biggest challenge.

How Froome won his second Tour de France – Eurosport


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