Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Michel Platini is president of FIFA – FranceTV info


Michel Platini, after weeks of suspense, formalized the news Wednesday, July 29th: he is a candidate to succeed Joseph “Sepp” Blatter as head of FIFA. The latter resigned because of suspicions of corruption in the proceeding, will leave his post in February.

At the head of UEFA since 2007, Michel Platini is a man of influence and it has a major network. The only declared candidate for now, the French is as the big favorite.

The son of Italian immigrant, “Platoche” was first rose to fame on green meadow. In 15-year career in the jersey of the Blues, Nancy, Saint-Etienne and Juventus, the 10 marked the history of football. Became leader, former maestro conducts UEFA with handle. Militant an egalitarian football, it is especially the architect of financial fair play.

The Jordanian Prince Ali denounced his application and “the culture of arrangements” within Fifa. But Michel Platini can count on support weight. Zinedine Zidane told France 3 microphone: “. I think this is the perfect person to take it all In addition, he wants to go, then we will support it” .

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