Friday, January 9, 2015

Ligue 1: Beaten, Marseille could lose its leadership – Europe1

Europe 1


INFO Rolland Courbis like to play tricks on his former club.. Friday night, the opening of the 20th day of the championship of France, his team in Montpellier has indeed won against Olympique Marseille, thanks to goals from Berigaud and Lasne, against a realization of Omrani (2- 1)

& gt; & gt; ALSO – Coupe de France. Grenoble humbles Marseille

A new leader Sunday night OM, which remains a point made in five league games and two eliminations Cups outdoors could therefore abandon the way its leader chair, if they win the Paris SG (3rd) Saturday or Lyon Sunday (2nd). A draw OL could even be enough to Lyonnais enthroned on Ligue 1. Montpellier, he was in the eighth temporary site.

“If we had managed to equalize, this n would not have been deserved “ A new disappointment for Marcelo Bielasa, the OM coach.” The match could have been a draw, but it was never up to the possibilities that the team . After the 2-1, we did not have the opportunities to get the draw. The match was balanced, but if we had managed to equalize, it was not deserved. Today (Friday) we had a lot of facilities to go until the last opposing defensive line, but we did not have many clear opportunities, and we have not managed to turn into opportunities dangerous actions.


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