Friday, January 9, 2015

Laurent Blanc takes stock –

Football – Ligue 1
                          Friday, January 9, 2015 – 18:00

Laurent Blanc gave a comprehensive overview of the news on Friday at a press conference. PSG coach mentioned in particular the Lavezzi-Cavani case.

                       Laurent Blanc took stock

  “We did like all the French.” Yesterday (Thursday), members of staff and players PSG have a minute’s silence in memory of the victims of the attacks in recent days . Laurent Blanc highlighted the fact that footballers are “citizens first” and they are obviously “not insensitive to what happened “. Incidentally, the 1998 world champion said there was no “of movements” security. “We trained in the context you know. It’s like everybody. We travel and we are not the only ones to do so. It is dealing with that.”

Many absent against Bastia

Saturday (tomorrow, 17h), PSG will challenge Bastia (20th day of Ligue 1). Laurent Blanc frankly hope that his troops will confirm after beating Montpellier (3-0) in the final of the 32nd Coupe de France . “It is useless to say anything today. We became aware of certain things. This was necessary in another way. All this will take consistency and consideration through results. “ While the guardian Salvatore Sirigu (hit in the foot) is probably ” too short “ to challenge the SCB, the attacker Jean-Christophe Bahebeck (adductor) should return to competition in Corsica. For its part, the Italian-Brazilian midfielder Thiago Motta will not take part in this duel.

Lavezzi and Cavani have “worked well in training, c is the least of things “

” I think it is too just to be aligned Bastia. As to his state of mind, I met yesterday. There was no request from him to leave Paris Saint-Germain. He will surely be in the squad for Saint-Etienne on Tuesday. “ Of course, the duo Ezequiel Lavezzi Edinson Cavani , which still has a game suspension to be served (too late return after the truce), will not play facing the townsfolk. “They have worked well (during the week). This is the least we can do. They were professional. I would have liked them to be before (sic)” dropped Laurent Blanc . Apparently, the former coach of the Blues do not yet know if he will reinstate the professional group after this weekend. “We are not in a hurry. They were not to return after the course (sic)” , has he added to further drive the point home. The two men will be fixed on their fate Sunday.

Press Conference Summary prepared by teams of Top Mercato

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