Thursday, April 7, 2016

Young Ophite help of mountain biking –






a dozen young people were able to learn mountain biking on the blue track of the peak of Jer./ Photo AG

                                 A dozen young people were able to learn mountain biking on the blue track of the peak of Jer./ Photo A. G.


As part of the policy of the city, a dozen young Ophite of the district are involved in the organization of the Mountain Bike World Cup. “It’s normal to involve young people in the organization of an important event for the city. It contributes to social cohesion, “says Michel Ausina Councillor delegate sports, accompanied by Yacine Kasbaoui. “On two Wednesdays, we have posters of the World Cup in Tarbes and Argelès” highlights Joao, one of the young. And for their contribution to the sporting event, they were right, yesterday afternoon, in an introduction to mountain biking on the blue track of the Pic du Jer, supervised by Bruno Valcke, a monitor involved in the club Lourdes ATV to host internships and initiations. For the competition, Ophite’s young people are integrated into the team of volunteers, bringing them to the building of the competition of international scope. Posted on arrival ATVs, they will distribute water to drivers. An involvement that will eventually want young people to get the ATV. “It can create vocations” Michel Ausina imagine. Today, they are also the schools that will benefit lourdaises demonstrations and initiation to mountain biking and cycling. A discovery of the event VTT Lourdes and the city wanted to set up to benefit the children Lourdais. Because the club Lourdes ATV considers himself “a life of the actor of the city.”


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