Wednesday, September 2, 2015

French team. Martial: “No particular pressure” – Ouest-France

Following its astronomical transfer to Manchester United, Anthony Martial Wednesday gave his first impressions during the course of the France team at Clairefontaine, without departing from a conventional discourse, assuring “not having particular pressure ‘ despite the price paid by the Red Devils.

The explanations of the former Monaco striker was eagerly awaited after his sensational move to ManU for 4 years and an estimated $ nearly 80 million, including future bonuses. And predictably, the questions of the journalists were not at all focused on the next two installments of the Blues on Friday in Portugal and 7 September against Serbia in Bordeaux, but essentially on its own case.

What is life such a turning point in a career after only two years with the pros? Is it possible to manage such an amount to 19 years and comparisons with the icon Zinedine Zidane, purchased “only” € 75 million by Real Madrid in 2001? Martial was bombarded with questions, but his answers, made up in one or two sentences, remained very civilized.

“It is not a risk. There will be a greater visibility, but if I play like I know do there is no reason why it goes wrong “, he said.

“My family had a little fear”

“It’s really a dream, I was not expecting too much and I am very happy to go a big club like Manchester “, has he also explained, visibly wielding already perfectly the language elements of football players. When Martial said his “family had a little afraid, given the amount” , it was believed that the shell would finally crack. But the rookie of the Blues quickly resumed: “This is football, it is professional, one must know how to do. “

” I do not know if I’m worth 80 million, he added. It’s crazy for a player of my age but it is the football market is between the two clubs, I try to ignore and I have no particular pressure. “

The fervor of Manchester and more generally of the English Premier League, the best league in the world media, do not scare the inexperienced Martial, who just passed Principality caulked two seasons and hardly discovers the France team.

“I have the characteristics to play in the Premier League and I’m quite anxious to show my worth, has -t he said. This will change me to Monaco there are many supporters. In England, they really live for football. At me to adapt. “

The truths of Mangala

It was not actually in the coming press conference Eliaquim Mangala for more consistent explanation of how to navigate the murky waters of “foot-business” . The Manchester City defender (24 years, 5 selections) knows what he is talking about since he was recruited last season against Porto 50 million euros, which makes it the most expensive in history back .

“We look at you differently, he immediately noted. You have to see how it will be managed by the club, his family. We will ask him a lot and he must be protected. When you see the amounts of the past, we say it’s going a bit far. Nobody is worth 50, 60 or 100 million but that’s part of the business of football. It is the media that make noise but for us, it’s part of the game and you have to do with if we do not do football player. “

” When you play in Monaco and you have a club like Manchester United who comes knocking at your door and wants to put 80 million, it is difficult to refuse “, also confessed before Mangala reassure his young and new team-mate in the national team: “At no time did I regret (to have signed for Manchester City, ed) . I’m fine here, if you pass this step, you come out stronger. “


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