Monday, September 21, 2015

Foot – L1 – OM – Fact-checking: Vincent Labrune he saith true Sunday on Canal +? – The É

1) “There are teams that are more used to play 11 against 10 as the other, as OL”

If OL was not the team that has the most evolved to 11 against 10 last season in the Championship, but he better known numerical superiority on the ground than Marseille. A trend that is confirmed when one examines the past five seasons, although the gap is narrowing.

This purely digital report must also be seen in the light of the number of faults experienced by the team. The specifics of the workforce, and the presence of players in their breasts may cause by their style of play, the faults warranting expulsion, must also be considered. Let us put these figures in relation to the number of fouls incurred by each team, and how much average faults must collect it before the “benefit” of an adverse expulsion.

The observation is more obvious. A number of fouls suffered relatively close (by OM 572, 544 by Lyon last season), the arbitrators quickly released the red for opponents of the OL

. Result: TRUE

2) “For it is the same penalties, it is always in the same direction.”

The numbers are categorical: whether only last season, or on a broader spectrum sweeping the last five championship seasons, the club Jean-Michel Aulas is the second team to have received the most of penalties in the championship. When Marseille, opposite the ranking figure in the penultimate position in the past year. It must be slightly qualified however, because the specifics of the workforce, and profiles of leading players hitting more and more likely to get penalties are not the same between the two clubs.

Result: TRUE

3) “In the last three matches against Lyon, there was an imaginary penalty whistled and forgot

In the first leg at Gerland last season (11th day), Lyon is needed on a goal Yoann Gourcuff perfectly valid (1-0). But in the 78th minute, the central defender OL Samuel Umtiti is guilty of obstruction of Florian Thauvin in the penalty area, “ very contentious obstruction ” as indeed refers Vincent Duluc in our columns at the time, on which the referee blows the whistle M. Jaffredo no penalty. That’s the forgotten penalty. For the imaginary penalty, he obviously thinks that accorded to Alexandre Lacazette, lightly touched by Steve Mandanda Sunday night (1-1). A very personal interpretation


4) “In the game of the last season, the goal was disallowed, it cost € 35 million.”

Effectively , in the second leg last season, March 15, 2015 (0-0), the ball Lucas Ocampos has crossed the goal line Anthony Lopes before the Lyon keeper repels. Unable to see the action from where it was positioned, as its arbitrator assistant Moreover, Mr. Bastien struck the goal. A very effectively since the impugned action Lyonnais consider that Marseille Lopes fouls before the end of the action.

If OM had won, he would have come up to the PSG to a length of OL. “ Nevertheless OM was injured by two points the same evening the great turn ,” they wrote in our columns. Two points, the difference between the final ranking at AS Monaco, qualified for the preliminary round of the Champions League. A tie with Rock team, OM, with a better goal difference (+34 against +25), so came into C1.

The aim of famous Ocampos refused to OM at the end of last season. (L. Argueyrolles) (L’Equipe)

With this mention of the “cost € 35 million, “ Vincent Labrune refers to income induced by a qualification in the Champions League. Income from C1 are the sum of three dividends: the sharing bonuses, premium performance and market share. For example during the 2013-2014 season, according to the report published by UEFA, OM hit € 32.415 million for its stake, despite its elimination in the group stages. So the president of the OM has not released the figure at random. Now if OM had actually been called League champions last May, he would have had to go through the preliminary round to reach the group stage and touch the famous check. So it was missing more than two points to pocket the jackpot …

Result: TRUE, BUT …


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