Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Claudio Beauvue, development – The Équipe.fr

Particularly surprised by the interpretation given to his remarks in an interview with Ouest-France on Tuesday, Claudio Beauvue held to react and has brought his clarification. “ I honestly do not understand , explained the striker of Olympique Lyonnais. I was asked if I felt good in Lyon, a question that I have answered many times and the answer seems obvious. After you have asked me again, perhaps in the hope that the answer changes (laughs), I did understand that this was an issue that was getting a little beast and so I spent the next. I am at a great club and a great city, how could I not be happy? Actually, I’m so bad that I decided to marry me while I live here since months! (laughs) “

” Alex is my friend and I also get along very well with my other teammates “

The player also clarified his comments about her relationship with teammate Alexandre Lacazette. “ I explained that after having seen the picture of us taken during our holiday in Guadeloupe, everyone thought that our friendship and complicity were to transcribe immediately on the lawn , details Beauvue. But I wanted to make it clear that friendship is something spontaneous and that our agreement on the ground, she had to work. Although of course we would have liked to be with closed eyes and instantly develop combinations to the “Tsubasa” (laughs)! Alex is my friend and I also get on very well with my teammates.

A few hours before the match of the Champions League against Valencia, explains Beauvue now want to turn page of this controversy to focus on this deadline capital. “ I try to take it with hindsight and humor. But it is a shame to find fault on the day of such an important game. In the football world, people know me and know what my state of mind. I would never have allowed me to imply things as displaced in such an important moment. Now we move on ! (smile) “


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