Monday, September 28, 2015

No supporters of OM PSG Sunday! – The É

The police will put us under pressure, it may skid, you do not want to expose our people to that. There will be a monster pressure, body searches, it’s more fun , “explained Christian Cataldo, leader of the Dodgers. Michel Tonini, president of the Yankees, gave other explanations. “ For 60 euros the game, they (Parisians) are careful instead. The money will not go Marseillais feed (PSG). To be sure to be quiet, no group of fans will go to the Parc des Princes. We will not give the stick to get beat.

” A reflection was initiated on the principle of a reform of places marketing mode cornering “

Furthermore, the OM supporters groups and the OM management have taken other decisions at their meet. “ A reflection was undertaken on the principle of a reform of turns places marketing mode , says the OM in a statement. In this framework, a working group of the club’s management and representatives of supporters’ groups were formed to study this change in subscription management system established in 1990 . “

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