Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Boudjellal innovates with the t-shirt “doped” –

Never be late for a “good idea”, Mourad Boudjellal surfs the doping charges against the club pulling out a t-shirt line to find any slogan.

Even during the World Cup, and while the TOP 14 is taking a break – the next day is scheduled as October 16/17 – Mourad Boudjellal while retaining media exposure as a consultant Canal +, still manages to put the Toulon Rugby Club in the heart of the news. And for that, the President of the triple European champions still plays the opposite, two weeks after the opening of two judicial information on doping suspicions in the Var club.

Because it is well known that doping is an institution in Toulon

Press CTN

Because it is well known that doping is an institution in Toulon, here are the t-shirts of doped CTN , play the Red and Black on their website. In Toulon, supporters also dope. For fans and players are on an equal footing in doping and can claim all together their love for doping “, a range of t-shirts, men and women, is now available for sale. “ A nice snub to unsubstantiated doping allegations that have tarnished the image of our club recently ” the statement concluded.


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