Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Foot – L1 – Rennes – René Ruello (Rennes): “I do not think Gourcuff play again before the end of the year” – The É

In an interview published in Team on Wednesday, René Ruello, the president of Stade Rennais, evokes the arrival of Yoann Gourcuff who signed an agreement with the Breton club mid-September. “I want him to again become the great player he was. Football is his DNA. It is unfortunate as the stones not to play. But it must be treated, explains the Rennes manager. A sesamoid fracture takes time to heal. A Belgian doctor said it took eight months to get back. His injury was not detected at baseline (Lyon). To play, offset elsewhere, which led to other problems. He must get out of this bad spiral “.

According to René Ruello it is ” difficult to give a deadline but I do not think he play again before the end of the year “. The Rennes manager also ensures that the club will “at best help” and the “medical staff should see his doctor this week,” . Yoann Gourcuff is currently in Lorient and wants “absolutely heal as quickly as possible” , according Ruello.


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