Monday, September 28, 2015

FIFA: what is to blame and what risk Platini – The World

Le Monde | • Updated | By

Michel Platini, 29 May 2015.

The week is crucial for Michel Platini. “ In a few days “, the President of UEFA (UEFA) should know the “ decision ” of the ethics committee of the International Federation Football (FIFA) concerning. Like the boss of FIFA, Joseph Blatter, the former playmaker of the Blues is the subject of a formal investigation of the proceeding, which should probably ask him. As the patriarch of world football, the former captain of the France team faces a suspension. It would then be forced to resign as head of UEFA and would otherwise be ineligible. Therefore, the triple gold ball (from 1983 to 1985) could not run for president of the Government of world football. The submission of applications is expected on October 26

Read also:. FIFA: Platini threatened with a suspension

Grandissime favorite in the race succeed Mr Blatter, the icon is now dependent on the judgment of said ethics committee “independent”, reputed to have laundered many times the leader of the world body. The threat is so real to Michel Platini. Especially since many observers see this downward spiral of the brand FIFA president, cold-blooded political animal, wanting to stand in the way of his former protégé and make him pay his calls for his resignation May 28, full of corruption and scandal on the eve of his re-election for a fifth term.

How Michel Platini is it found in this awkward position? The investigation of the ethics committee follows the opening by the prosecutor of the Swiss Confederation (MPC), September 24, criminal proceedings against the head of the FIFA to s oupçon dishonest management and – alternatively – breach of trust.”

unfair payment of CHF 2 million Swiss

The MPC criticized Blatter including “unfair payment of 2 million Swiss francs” (1.8 million euros) for Mr Platini “to the detriment of FIFA, allegedly for work performed between January 1999 and June 2002″ . At the time, Michel Platini officiated as “adviser football,” Blatter before sitting, from June 2002, the executive committee of FIFA and become vice president.

According to the MPC, that payment was made in February 2011. “We are dealing with a fictitious job with a charge payment made nine years after the fact,” says to World a connoisseur of the mysteries of FIFA. This payment was made one month before Mr Platini is elected to a second term as head of UEFA, and four months before his counterpart FIFA is renewed for the third time at the head of the global forum, with the discreet support of the European Confederation. The British media were quick to dig up old files, recalling the set Michel Platini calling the fifty-three members of UEFA to vote as a bloc for Mr Blatter. At the time, the Swiss had promised the former player that this would be his last term. An agreement that has not met four years later.

In early 2011, the Qatari Mohamed Bin Hammam, head of the Asian Confederation, had unsuccessfully sought the support of the French before challenging the outgoing president of FIFA at the polls. On May 29, 2011, the outsider had been suspended by the ethics committee for “electoral fraud” and could not stand against the Valais, re-elected unopposed for a fourth term.

status of” person required to provide information “

On the sidelines of the meeting of the Government of the Federation, September 25, Michel Platini and Sepp Blatter were heard by the MPC, which recalled the principle of the presumption of innocence. If the Helvetian leader was heard as “warned” Michel Platini had the status of “person required to provide information (PADR).” An intermediate status, under Article 178 of the Swiss Code of Criminal Procedure, means that the sexagenarian “ may be either be the perpetrator to elucidate or a related offense, a participant in the acts “. A search was also held in the office of the head of FIFA and “of data were entered”

Read also:. FIFA: the investigation around Blatter Michel Platini weakens

“Regarding the payment that was made in my favor, I want to clarify that this amount was paid me for the work I ‘ have done contractually to FIFA, was justified Michel Platini in a statement. I am pleased to have been able to clarify the matter to the authorities . “” This payment is strange , asks a former pillar of FIFA. Platini will have to find a good explanation. “Through his entourage, Mr Platini said he would claim his due thought to the International Federation nine years after his” work. ” Living in Paris when he officiated as “technical adviser” of Blatter, he would have also paid taxes on the disputed amount.

Monday, September 28, Michel Platini sent an e-mail to the presidents of fifty-four European federations participating in February 2016, the election of the future boss of FIFA, to give explanations on this controversial payment of 2011 and save his country.

Platini said he” fully declared such income “

In his letter, Platini says:

” During the period 1998-2002, I was employed by FIFA to work on a wide range of issues relating to football. It was a full time job and my duties were known to all. My compensation was agreed at that time, and after the initial payments were made, the final balance of 2 million Swiss francs was paid in February 2011. “

The triple Golden Ball claims to have “fully declared this income to the authorities in accordance with Swiss law.” “The Swiss authorities have questioned me about it last Friday, not as a person accused of anything, but simply as a person called to give information” , insists the French 60 years .

In the introduction of his letter, Mr Platini told “conscious that in this case, there is speculation on facts that (a) concern personally “, insisting he did ” not been charged with any wrongdoing “, giving his missive ” for transparency reasons “.

Joseph Blatter himself has met in the day employees of FIFA to tell them he would not leave office before the election of his successor in February 2016. He Also, a statement signed by his lawyers told the judges that heard the payments made to Mr Platini were “justifiable retribution and nothing else, and that they were properly recorded in the FIFA accounts, including deductions of charges for social security “.


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