Thursday, February 26, 2015

Europa League: the beautiful story of Guingamp ends – Europe1

Europe 1


92 ‘: Guingamp is eliminated. Dynamo Kiev won 3-1 . Ukrainians join the 8th finals of the Europa League thanks to their victory in Kiev (3-1, 1-2 in the first leg). The Guingampais may have regrets after conceding an avoidable penalty minutes after scoring. The beautiful adventure of Forward stops in the Ukrainian capital

91 ‘. Beauvue misses the boat a new center of Yatabaré on the right side, Claudio! Beauvue is receiving, alone in the penalty area eccentric right side. The attacker’s head is unfortunately poorly adjusted and misses the goal Dynamo

88 ‘.! Guingamp almost scored On a central Yatabaré, is Mandanne on the verge of a header, but the Ukrainian goalkeeper the ball in two stages, despite pressure from Guingamp striker

85 ‘. This interruption has some cut the legs of the two teams. The Forward is imperative score to qualify, but the Britons fail to create opportunities at the end of the game.

The match resumes ten minutes of interruption.

77 ‘: The game is on hold due to overflows in the stands The fans Dynamo begin to invade the field. an early skirmishes taking place. The match is suspended by the referee, which refers both teams to the locker room. Surreal scene: the doorman Dynamo Shovkovsky, will see supporters to try to calm the

74 ‘. Purpose penalty kick for Dynamo. This is terrible for the Forward. While the Britons were in a downbeat and pushed to equalize, Dynamo Kiev gets a penalty for a foul in the box. Gusev into force, under the bar. Dynamo Kiev 3-1 Guingamp

70 ‘: Both teams are now tied on aggregate. If the score remains there, we will be entitled to extensions

66 ‘: And the purpose of Guingamp! Beauvue striking the surface but is repelled by the Ukrainian defense. Thibaut Giresse follows well and resumed in force. Mandanne is the path and shoot the ball into the net! Guingamp gets to score when we least expected. Dynamo Kiev 2-1 Guingamp

Update on the evening’s scores: Zenit St Petersburg and Dynamo Moscow are the first qualified for the 8th finals. Zenith outclassed PSV Eindhoven (3-0, 1-0 in the first leg), while Dynamo Mathieu Valbuena, owner at kickoff, beat Anderlecht (3-1, 0-0 in . go)

60 ‘: The second Ukrainian goal has done much harm to Guingamp. Dynamo pressed the accelerator since the start of the second period and more opportunities. Dutch Jermaine Lens, after a rush just hit a next to the left post of En Avant (59th). Just before, a Vida head again from a corner, had passed very close to the cages Lössl (57th). Guingamp head under water

46 ‘.. Dynamo made the break from the first seconds of the second period a center emerges Angoua sore head directly on Buyalski. The Ukrainian player gets stolen and sent to him in Breton leather nets. Dynamo became airborne, but a goal from Guingamp allow them to hang extra time. Dynamo Kiev 2-0 Guingamp

Halftime: Dynamo Kiev 1 – Guingamp 0 . Dynamo Kiev leads to the end of the first period with a header from a corner Teodorczyk. Ukrainians are currently qualified thanks to their away goal. Guingamp has no choice and will have to score to reach the 8th finals

40. ‘: The first big opportunity for Guingamp Thibaut Giresse is receiving!’ a center for Jérémy Pied within six meters, but his head is cleared off the line by Shovkovsky, goalkeeper Dynamo

32 ‘. Excellent kick in limit of 16 meters for the Forward in the wake of the opening goal. Beauvue is in charge, but he sends his shot in the Ukrainian wall. Guingamp is imperative mark to qualify now

30 ‘.! Dynamo Kiev opens logically score On a corner napping right side Teodorczyk propels a thumping header into the net the Forward. Just come into play, Polish is decisive and allows for the moment his team to qualify. Dynamo Kiev 1-0 Guingamp

25 ‘: Dynamo continues Britons dominate and multiply Guingamp incursions into the camp, still without success. The Forward is trying to get out of pressing local players Gourvennec but quickly lose the ball

15 ‘. The Ukrainians took command of operations, without create as many chances against a well organized Ahead. Dynamo had a good opportunity on a powerful free kick from Rybalka, as the guardian of the Forward, Lössl, perfectly repulsed. The Portuguese midfielder Miguel Veloso, was injured, however the Ukrainian side, and was replaced by the tenth minute by Teodorczyk

1 ‘. Already a huge mistake Ukrainians after a few seconds of play! As in the first leg, Dynamo put too much commitment and aggression in the tackle. Rybalka, the middle of the local terrain, put his foot in the head Mandanne. The striker Forward is rung, while the Ukrainian logically gets a yellow card.

Europa League: the beautiful story of Guingamp ends

The Rybalka foot shot on Mandanne . © screenshot W9

19h <- - /> visual!>: Here we go in Kiev! Dynamo Kiev, dressed all in white, gives the kick in the face of changing Guingampais black barred with white. Note that it rains on the Ukrainian capital

6:55 p.m.. Guingamp’s fans will struggle to be heard among the 50,000 spectators at the Olympic Stadium in Kiev. But twenty Breton fans will still give voice

6:50 p.m.. Dynamo Kiev, leader of the Ukrainian championship, presents him with a reduced workforce. The Yarmolenko environments, the star of the team, and Belhanda, former player of Montpellier, are suspended following their red cards in the first run

18h45:. The composition of the Breton club has just fallen. Jocelyn Gourvennec chose a composition 4-4-2, with Jérémy Pied in right midfield and Thibault Giresse left. The duo of attack will be composed of Christophe Mandanne and Claudio Beauvue formidable goalscorer to go.

18:40 : twenty supporters Forward have made the trip to Kiev. A dangerous journey given the political context in Ukraine and security risks. & Gt; & gt; ALSO READ: The tricky trip Guingamp supporters in Kiev.


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