Sunday, February 21, 2016

Zidane, questioning –

While Real Madrid has likely seen flying his last chance to win the league conceding a draw (1-1) in Malaga, Zinedine Zidane should be self-critical .

now nine points behind Barca, Real can hardly expect more leapfrog the Catalan rival in the title race. The La Liga history confirms this: never a club has managed to erase so late in the evening of the 15th day before becoming champion

Zinedine Zidane wants yet believe.. Or at least pretend … “Of course it will be difficult, but we will never give up. There are still many points to 39 points, and we will continue our path, he has assured after the meeting in comments reported by Marca. La Liga is still long and the other clubs may also lose points. “

But on Sunday, it’s Real who lost two new points on Barca. And it could have been worse to believe Zinedine Zidane. “It’s difficult because we experienced a difficult game. We lost two points but we could have just as easily lose,” he has in effect agreed, intending to take responsibility for this performance-cons.

“it’s difficult because we had prepared well this week, but I also do my analysis, he said. the players have given a lot today and I have to evaluate the part that concerns me. it is important for the future. “ and in particular the Madrid derby against rival expected next weekend.


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