Saturday, February 27, 2016

FIFA presidency – Press review: Gianni Infantino must prove that he is the right choice –

         FIFA has a new president. After seventeen years of reign of Sepp Blatter as head of the international federation, Gianni Infantino took over after his success in the presidential elections on Friday. The sports press is back on the meteoric rise of the former lawyer of 45 years and the immense challenges ahead in Zurich, the FIFA headquarters.

         “ A clear choice! A good choice? ” asks the German magazine Kicker. The voters clearly favored Infantino compared to its rivals. Now remains to the Italo-Swiss to prove that he was the right choice ” insists the bi-weekly, which asked a “ immediate action to implement the reform package passed in Zurich “, to restore transparency in the world of football. There is a big difference between the role “ operational ” Infantino as UEFA general secretary and the more political it should play as “ representative World football “, also decrypts the German newspaper.

Infantino: “It’s over now, we have to move forward” – Eurosport

         “ A meteoric career “, for its part welcomes the Spanish sports daily As , recalling that “ Infantino had landed like a meteorite in the UEFA (2000) while Sepp Blatter Fifa already presided for years . ” The newspaper made the comparison between Infantino, 45, and his predecessor Blatter, 79, both born in Switzerland, in the Upper Valais, in two remote villages “ barely ten kilometers ” .

         “ Blatter was for years secretary general of FIFA and has shaped his image by appearing in the global sweepstakes … Infantino has received a great media exposure with the Champions League. Place the trays TV in a presidential campaign is apparently an effective recipe, both in politics in football “quips the daily.

         In England, the Guardian describes the new FIFA president as a man clearly “ competent and professional ‘,’ pure product of a well-oiled Swiss machinery “and accustomed to take the lead in international sports bodies. Infantino is now “ out of the shadows ” her mentor at UEFA, Michel Platini, to apply the balancing program it has set: “ Do not alienating football barons while cleaning the environment ‘,’ a huge task . ”

         In Italy, the Gazzetta dello Sport does not hesitate to celebrate the origins of Infantino, whose mother is from Calabria and the father of Lombardy. It is “ a high immigrant’s son in Switzerland, but that has always been at the heart of Italy .” When “Little Gianni” felt homesick, “ his dad made him cross the border to go to San Siro see Inter Milan ” concluded sports daily lyrical strand.


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