Saturday, February 20, 2016

OM – Controversy: Michy Batshuayi reframed by Lassana Diarra internally? – Le 10 Sport

Since the beginning of the year, Michy Batshuayi is hugely inefficient, and his reactions to criticism agaceraient teammates with Lassana Diarra.

competition between Fletcher and Batshuayi? We must ask the coach. We all pull in the same direction. Fletcher and Michy are two very good players. the coach chooses the team he wants to align . “If Lassana Diarra recently commented on the competition between Michy Batshuayi and Steven Fletcher , it would appear that internally, the international environment has reframed the Belgian.

Diarra agacerait behavior Batshuayi

Thus, according to information from Team , Lassana Diarra would obviously not appreciate the somewhat dry response Michy Batshuayi in one of his admonitions. in fact, in true context of the locker room, the former Gunner had a pretty beefy debriefing with Belgian regarding its lack of effectiveness and the man with 12 goals in Ligue 1 have replied curtly, which would have set fire to the powder in the locker room. The lack of effectiveness of Batshuayi appears to be a recurring problem than expected.

“Much is expected of him”

For Nice, two are missing, this is not usual. One can think that may have a problem of trust. On the second occasion, he tries to fit as when in confidence, he looks around. a lot of it is expected. Last year, it was good every time he supplied the Gignac. He played in a team that worked very well, so it was no pressure. OM was facing forward, was on a large laundry and Batshuayi had a lot of balls into the box “let go of his hand Éric Di Meco.


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