Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Ronaldo and Madrid laugh from the penalty Messi –

Real’s players have orally revisited the penalty shot two by Lionel Messi and Luis Suarez …

Invited press conference to comment on the penalty ‘fired’ by Lionel Messi on Sunday on the lawn of Celta Vigo, Cristiano Ronaldo had a heavy response innuendo. “I will answer you very precisely. I know why Messi’s penalty shot like that. I will not say anything else. Think of what you want” , and had answered the Portuguese, evoking hints his struggle in the scoring charts with the Uruguayan, who now leads the two goals.

But CR7 had not finished with the joke of the two South Americans. Evidenced by the scene filmed in the corridors of the Olympic Stadium in Rome while Madrid were about to enter the pitch to attend their last training before the clash against Roma. Because the former Manchester United was not the last to be ironic about the penalty kick for Barcelona while Madrid replayed much the scene.

If the sequence broadcast by Spanish TV, Marcelo is the first to launch “Cris, you’ll let Arbeloa pull” Portuguese retorted once “I’ll let shoot Arbeloa and I’d end action ‘. And while the Spanish side tries to assert “Wait and see, I’ll shoot,” CR7 nail sinking of a “Sure, Arbeloa will pull” mimicking a player taking his feet in the ground. “On the contrary, on the contrary … Arbeloa will pull you a pass to Cristiano” comes Keylor Navas, defender outdoing “There, that’s it!” An ironic dialogue which is not gone unnoticed on the other side of the Pyrenees.


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