Saturday, February 27, 2016

Ligue 2, Créteil – Laval 0-0. An evening like no other – Le Parisien

S.B. | | Update:

It is to believe that grass is cursed, a curse hangs over the invisible Duvauchelle stadium and its occupants. Friday is in any case with the unpleasant feeling that fate is bent a little too insistently than Creteil, his staff and his players have returned to the locker room after the game between the Laval.

Often derided for their lack of desire or talent gap, the Val-de-Marnais (always 19 are and penultimate) could pick up in the irrational explanations for their sixth consecutive game without victory against the Tangos (0-0). “We could indeed say that was a victim of bad luck, the young striker breath Youssoufou Niakaté. But the truth is that perhaps we needed to do a little more. I am disgusted that evening. “

However difficult to deny that the jinx was invited to emcee. As worn by the vile intention of stopping just over the 19 th Ligue 2, it seemed involved in the accident that saw incredible Laurent Roussey leave the stadium on a stretcher and break the momentum of his troops. “The incident in itself was not disturbed us, nevertheless ensures Florent Mollet. Although it was worried about the coach, it is mainly the stoppage (7 minutes) which we cut the legs. “And probably prevented find the way to this success that is expected on September 25 at home. For four times, Florent Mollet (7 th 90 th + 2), Boris Mahon de Monaghan (45 th + 7) and Faneva Andriastima (58 th ) have seen the amounts Laval push their attempts. But as disgusting a little more of Val-de-Marnais who had the advantage evolve powerplay after the expulsion of Alioui (61 th ), Cappone has also, did the job in his goals against Andriatsima, Dabo and Gerard decidedly little success. “Paradoxically, when they passed ten it became harder for us Niakaté regrets. “Créteil will he recover from what Francis Assistant Percin described as” another blow “? Only certainty is sealed by injuries to Di Bartolomeo (thigh), Diedhiou (fibula) and Ilunga (ankle) and large spats Cristolien the locker room emptied last night.

Créteil 0 – Laval 0
Spectators: 2 035.
Referee: M. Lavis
Warning Créteil: Diedhiou (45 + 8), Mollet (75th), Barillon (90 + 4).. Laval: Alioui (60th)
Expulsion Laval: Alioui (61)
Créteil.. Kerboriou – Mahon Monaghan Barillon Di Bartolomeo ( esor, 55th), Diedhiou (Dabo, 46th), Ilunga (cap.) – Petshi, calf,

 Gérard (Sangare, 73) – Niakaté, Andriatsima. Entr. : Roussey
Laval: Cappone – Perrot, Afougou, Couturier, Quintin – Dembélé (Malonga, 89th), Monfray, Alla (cap.) – Lavigne (Habran, 74th. )

 Alioui, Zeoula (Nason, 84th). Entr. . Zanko


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