Thursday, April 23, 2015

Finally, Nibali and Astana will take the start of the Tour and … –

The International Cycling Union (UCI) has decided to hold the World Tour license to the Astana team, yet blamed for its failures in anti-doping. Teammates Vincenzo Nibali, winner of the Tour de France last year, will be able to jump on the Tour in early July. But also on the Tour of Italy in May.

         The International Cycling Union has changed his mind. In late February, it demanded the withdrawal of the World Tour license in Astana. Thursday night, the independent commission ruled: the Kazakh team finally keeps his precious document. Valuable because it will allow Vincenzo Nibali of to conquer a second consecutive Tour de France on July 4, Utrecht (Netherlands). As it will allow riders Alexandre Vinokourov to take the start of the Giro, May 9

         Affected by doping cases last year, Astana was yet in the sights the UCI. On February 27, she had seized his license commission to sanction the Kazakh training, it considered insufficiently active in the fight against doping. Obviously, this is not the case, as explained in the statement from the UCI released Thursday:

“The team is committed to comply with the measures advocated by the ISSUL (Sports Science Institute of the University of Lausanne). After the hearing, the Licence Commission ordered the suspension of the proceedings. “

         The UCI has nevertheless tried to save face by pointing out that the license “remains subject to the strict control of the condition” A sword of Damocles that expressed in those terms.:

“The license commission may resume the procedure in case of non-compliance with one or more of the condition or the occurrence of new elements”

         The Kazakh team therefore had no need to put his threat: to appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) to claim damages. She convinced the UCI. For now.


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