The Wimbledon Accrington referee refused a goal 5 March 2016 . – Screenshot Sky Sports / DR

Even watching this video twelve times it still does not understand why this decision. Saturday, Accrington moved to Wimbledon to compete for a fourth British division meeting. And when visitors come to score a goal all he is more valid in the last moments of the first period, the match referee denies. Why ? Because he just whistled the break in action
 in the surface of Wimbledon.

incomprehensible decision for players to Accrington, who come to complain in vain and left with a simple draw (0-0). “In 46 years of player and manager, I have never seen such a decision,” growls the coach of injured John Coleman micro BBC. In the same vein, we recall
 the disappointed face of Karim Benzema is being denied a goal against Switzerland at the last World Cup
