Saturday, March 26, 2016

“Deschamps has dotted the i’s”, after the two goals against the Netherlands – The É

Annoyed by two goals conceded on Friday in the victory of the Blues in the Netherlands (3-2), Didier Deschamps “a handed (his players) in place relative to the scenario of the game, “ after the meeting, said Christophe Jallet this Saturday at a press conference. “It’s infuriating to bow to mistakes on our part,” had immediately regretted the tricolor coach before the media present in Amsterdam. In the privacy of the dressing room, the technician was apparently shown firmer.

“It’s logical, said the Lyon defender. We did not necessarily need to hear the words but sometimes it is important that the coach put the dot the i, it supports where it hurts when we deserve it, has it developed. once things are said, it must be integrated and ensure that it never happens again. “

” the more s approach maturity, unless one has the right to error “

in addition to the victory, ” the positive “ retained by Jallet, the french players have yet “correct some points” , he said. For “the closer the deadline, the less the margin for error.” “We want to show that this is not because these are friendly games that the hackneyed” said the right side, holder at the Arena. The two goals conceded on set pieces, “details” Jallet to represent “a warning toll that must be taken into account.” “It was better to do yesterday (Friday), he concluded, only in two months.”


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