Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Attacks. Thierry Braillard: “The Euro will not be postponed or canceled” – Ouest-France



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The Secretary of State for Sports, Thierry Braillard, assures this Wednesday that Euro 2016, scheduled in France from June 10 to July 10 “will not be postponed or canceled,” after the attacks in Brussels.

” is repeated for several months, the terrorist threat was incorporated into our thinking from the beginning “ and ” cancel or postpone the European championship of football, it would give reason for these cowardly “, provides the Minister in an interview with L’Equipe.

Mr. Braillard adds that “in times like these, do not add fear to fear.” “We can not do better in terms of security for the Euro.”

On Tuesday, the president of the French Football Federation, Christmas Graët, had estimated also that the Euro 2016 was not in danger. “There is never zero risk, but in any case, there is a commitment of the State, the Federation and UEFA, the organizers received very pleasant and without risk “ 2 million people will travel to France on the occasion, stressed Mr. Graët.




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