Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Gregory Margotton, child Canal – The Équipe.fr

Arriving as an intern at Canal + in 1992 with the release of its journalism school, Gregory Margotton became the commentator # 1 of the encrypted channel after the departure of Thierry Gilardi for TF1 in late 2004.

This is one of the last dinosaurs of Canal + and yet it is only 46 years. Gregory Margotton was still a young student of 22 years from the Journalists Training Centre (CFJ) in Paris when Charles Biétry, then head of sports of the encrypted channel, hired him as an intern in the summer of 1992. “We were looking for two summer interns during the Olympics in Barcelona and I gave as part they speak perfect English, tells the Breton . It eliminated a lot of people but it was the case of Gregory who left Liverpool a year for his studies. After the sports journalism is not a minor genre, mainly Canal, I wanted young people to culture, education and reflection. Gregory had it all along. “ The Canal + sports department had gone to cover the Barcelona Olympics and had small hands in Paris

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