Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Arsenal will he still ruin everything? –

         At Arsenal, as elsewhere in England, we know what the term “history” means. At Arsenal, as elsewhere in England, we also know that he sometimes stutter. Since 2004 and the absolute triumph of the Invincibles, the Gunners run behind the crown of England. Without ever managing to catch it. There are still few, 2016 seemed the suitable year to end the famine. More uncertain than ever, the Premier League was wide open his arms to Arsène Wenger. And yet …

         Leading Premier League (tied with Leicester) five days ago, Arsenal are now six points behind the Foxes (with, however, a victory over them in the meantime). Okay, Londoners have a game in hand following the zero players Ranieri Tuesday against WBA (2-2) but that does not explain everything. Over this period, the Londoners have won as they lost (and conceded one draw).




















                    23rd day
Defeat against Chelsea (0-1) Victory face Stoke (3-0)
                    24th day
No face Southampton (0-0) Victory against Liverpool (2-0)
                    25th day
Victory in Bournemouth (0-2) Victory at Manchester City (1-3)
                    26th day
Victory face Leicester (2-1) Defeat to Arsenal (2-1)
                    27th day
Defeat to Manchester United (3-2) Victory face Norwich (1-1)
                    28th day
Swansea (?) No face West Brom (2-2)
                    Accounting Balance Sheet

                    7 points

                    13 points

         The title is not lost. But it is now far from being won. If no one is completely certain that the troop Ranieri will go after, Arsenal will also have to deal with Tottenham, which advanced three lengths in front and going through a good period excessively. And, who knows, Manchester City. The Gunners will also resume their destiny.

Mesut Özil in the jersey of Arsenal – Imago

         Beaten Manchester United on Sunday (3-2) by a team that, on paper, seemed far from unplayable, Arsenal has three games without success (with the draw conceded against Hull in Cup and the Barcelona setback C1) . Not enough to pull the alarm. But the Gunners no longer turn completely round in the late winter while Swansea and … Tottenham looming on the horizon and that critics usual, those accompanying unfinished Arsenal in the Premier League campaigns, fall on shoulders Arsene Wenger and his boys.

         Graeme Souness, former liverpuldienne converted glory “pundit” for Sky Sports, did not go with the back of spoon, Sunday after the failed delivery of Old Trafford. “For me, Arsenal is not far from a joke now , he cursed. Great players help others when things go wrong. Who the did for Arsenal (Sunday)? Where are the Tony Adams? the Thierry Henry? ” The latter, who is no longer on the field but also on Sky, said: “This is not a performance of a team that wants to be champion.” Pan! on the fingers.

         Arsene Wenger has tasted little criticism. And strived to respond on Tuesday at a press conference. In dramatized.

Wenger: “I want our fans support us until the last day” – Eurosport

            “Do not exaggerate: we do not play to avoid relegation We play to win the Premier League must be challenged critics in their place (…) But I’m never surprised by the criticism… It’s part of the media game and some opinions are always excessive. We must deal with it and do not complain. ” Wenger also knows that the jackets will turn if Arsenal found in March from his lost in February.

         February is also the month comes the Champions League and altitudes that the Gunners no longer support since 2009/2010, last season that saw residents of the Emirates Stadium integrate the European Top 8. Should we look for a causal link with domestic woes Arsenal? It’s possible. Anyway, failing to have found the cure for this disease recurring, the Gunners have three months to get rid of. And to ensure that history does not stutter. A new time.


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