Go to anchor us. This afternoon, between 16:30 and 19:30 Sepp Blatter will be reelected President of the International Federation of Association Football. Nobody can nothing, especially not us, the Western media, which pestons against the offense to the sacrosanct cult of football.
The US justice will confuse beautiful new senior leaders of FIFA, nationals Bahamas, Coco Islands or Vanuatu, the Swiss justice will prove good by A + B that the World Cups 2018 and 2022 were purchased by the Russians and the Qataris (really?), Sepp will be there, always there until he decides to step down. He reaffirmed last August in “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”:
I am as a goat of the Swiss mountains. I walk, I go, I go, nothing can stop me, I will continue. “
It was pretty much all read about the unique personality of the immovable FIFA president. His knowledge of His witticisms unquenchable thirst for power -. it is in this position since 1998 and in the structures of world football for 40 years Its creaminess of Mazarin that has enabled it to emerge as white as snow all scandals while. sacrificing – against his will -. His friends and allies ribaldry, useful in an environment as feminized as the barracks of Mourmelon in middle 80s and even his deep faith, who according to his great friend the canon Franco Bernasconi, the push to “see the good in man,” and therefore to sacrifice for the sake of a universal sport, able to bring people together and establish peace. In short a Jesus preach before football from the merchants from the temple and unfortunately subjected to jeers of the Pharisees.
Sepp Blatter is certainly an extraordinary man. But show some respect to 209 representatives of federations gathered in the theater for 11 Zurich 65th congress organization. If, as expected, they give him tonight their blank check, not by the force of his charisma or his Machiavellianism. It’s good that they have chosen and wanted.
What alternative?
A congress of FIFA is a funny place. A meeting sixties large gentlemen who slap their epaulettes emitting giggles. Anthracite same costumes, same build, same approach somewhat drawling, nothing distinguishes them except … their physical characteristics and their shoes, Asians still prefers the square end.
Everything small world – nearly 1,000 delegates – met in the biggest hotels in the city to an enchanted, away from the hassles of daily life in Kinshasa or Jakarta. At breakfast, the representative of Bhutan, happy to enjoy the comfort of the Marriott Hotel, is common table with those in Cambodia and Afghanistan. Yesterday they reserved an ovation to Mr. Blatter, their host and president. Just now they will confirm his re-election.
Why would they do differently? Where is the alternative? The good souls urge them to vote for Prince Ali, brother of the king of Jordan. Our national Michel Platini, head of UEFA, the European confederation, even up to rent the “independence”, the “freedom of mind” and “passion of football is in his blood,” said the prince. But what is its legitimacy? Descend directly from the Prophet? Have a passion for derbies City-United in his youth from the game room of a public school English? Why not Charles, William, Albert? No it is rather bobsledding …
The reverse of democracy
The world football is such that major decisions (election of the president, changing laws) it take democratically, by an absolute majority of members Gentiles. Unlike the UN, FIFA knows no Security Council. It is a meeting of equals, as dreamed the leaders of the Third World, Nehru or Nkrumah.
The advantage is that the billion World Cup benefits all and more particularly to developing countries, targeted by aid increasingly generous programs. The downside is that this gender-209 federations members behind an overrepresentation of confetti-states: the 58,000 nationals of the Cayman Islands weigh as much as 200 million inhabitants of Brazil. And that all leaders not having the probity of Nehru, that formal democracy is the open door to great anything.
The nature does not like emptiness, and when the power is to take, the smarter it by force. Afford a leadership position in FIFA is not that complicated. Any more than access to the International Olympic Committee (IOC). No need to come from a great sporting nation, or to submit a CV passionate activist for the cause. Just have networks of influence and know the mint with his peers.
This is how the Arab sheikhs multiply like loaves in Asian and global forums without have a clue sometimes the subject they are supposed to represent. And so that wrens may have appeared within African or Caribbean confederations, based on their sense of interpersonal or small personal fortune.
The statutes of Fifa reinforce the phenomenon . They allow each continent to benefit from a minimum number of representatives on the Executive Committee (ExCom) of the organization. This system has allowed the emergence of a boss Jeffrey Webb of the Federation of the Cayman Islands, who before being arrested in Zurich last Wednesday, was considered a rising star in the organization. Or the Cameroonian Issa Hayatou, head of the African confederation and irremovable member of Comex, although the chaotic functioning of the national federation regularly leads chronic various facts.
It goes without saying that this joyous anarchy s ‘accompanied by questionable financial practices. In the sports world, the line between lobbying and corruption have always been blurred. Qataris for example have never hidden that they practiced check policy to achieve their ends, graciously offering sports facilities (and maybe more) to their cronies. The old football countries do not shout from the rooftops, but it is not certain that they rely solely on the excellence of their arguments to win.
Westerners play low profile
Despite the hype, the reactions of Western authorities are also actually quite measured. If the Minister of Justice US, driven by the universal destiny of his country – and perhaps even the deep disappointment of having bitten the 2022 World Cup by Qatar – called on Fifa to draw lessons from a “systemic corruption” and to “start fresh.” If David Cameron, the British Prime Minister, who was whistling the world 2018 by the Russians, has followed suit calling for the resignation of Blatter, the other great nations, they are prudently remained the central roundabout .
The dominant position of condemning corruption, while taking care not to customize attacks. In Paris Francois Hollande, recalling that France is “a candidate for major competitions” (2024 JO) has renewed all its “confidence in organizations that will make decisions”, while recalling that it was their “being incontestable “. What they naturally “at heart to show.” Duh
The ambiguous position of France on the case Sepp Blatter
Christmas Graët, the president of the French Football Federation, was even more direct. While deploring the situation, he boldly announced that he would vote Blatter. Because it is “not involved in the different procedures.” He did “not know Prince Ali” (it either?). And he does not forget “that two months ago, FIFA has given us the organization of the Women’s World Cup in 2019″. In sport, always return the favor and never insult the future. “Mr Blatter is still member of the IOC,” opportunely is it tells the Sports Ministry.
Gurvan Le Guellec
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